Vulnerability Focal Point Coordinator pour HelpAge Internartional Haiti |

Following the earthquake in Haiti on 12 January, HelpAge launched an emergency response in Haiti and is committed to extending this into a longer term recovery and rehabilitation programme in support of older people in Haiti.


The Vulnerability Focal Point Coordinator will work closely with HelpAge´s team of needs assessment officers to define the humanitarian needs of older people affected by the earthquake and ensuring HelpAge´s programme in Haiti is coordinated with other humanitarian agencies. More specifically, they will put Vulnerability Focal Points in place in at least 20 makeshift camps in order to obtain information about the needs of older people within these camps. They will be heavily involved in designing data-gathering methodology and ensuring it is understood and followed, and that data gathered is collected and transmitted to HelpAge accurately and on time for reporting purposes.

Qualifications réquises

Applicants must have at least 3 years relevant experience of needs assessment and information gathering, ideally in an emergency response of disaster recovery context. All applicants must have a demonstrable understanding of the issues of social marginalisation of vulnerable people, as well as an understanding of the humanitarian context. Good written and spoken Creole and English are essential for this role, as well as excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to work well in a team and flexibility to rapidly changing needs.

Date limite
