Micro-Mitigation Supervisor pour Croix Rouge Americaine | JobPaw.com

To assist the communities in the implementation of micro-mitigation activities, and assess the feasibility of larger mitigation activities in IDP settlements in the urban earthquake affected areas.


Specific duties and Accountabilities

• Facilitate the assessment of risks in the IDP settlements;

• Provide support in the identification of possible simple mitigation activities achievable with local human and material resources;

• Train the mobile teams in mitigation processes;

• Supervise and give constant and appropriate support to the community workers in the implementation of the community activities;

• Provide support to the IDP committees in designing the disaster mitigation measures and the risk mitigation strategy, and provide additional training as needed;

• Ensure continuous community participation;

• Draft technical studies of micro-mitigation activities (with drawings and pictures);

• Provide financial assessment and technical feasibility of such mitigation activities;

• Provide financial and on-site monitoring of on-going activities;

• Provide an implementation plan for each micro-mitigation activity (duration, human resource requirements and qualifications);

• Draft a final report for each mitigation activity;

• Evaluate permanently the effectiveness and the quality of the project activities;

• Coordinate with the other agencies working in the settlements and/or in the same working area;

• Coordinate with the local authorities the project implementation;

• Submit every 2 weeks report to the Emergency DRR Project Coordinator.

Additional duties

• Report constantly to the Program Coordinator the progress of the project and inform him before taking any important operational, logistical, administrative and financial decisions;

• Suggest improvements or efficiencies that could be implemented;

• Ensure that the workplan is respected;

• Understand and practice the Principles of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement.

Duties applicable to all staff

• Work towards the achievement of overall goals of the operations in the country, through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork;

• Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities;

• Perform other work related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the supervisor;

• Establish and ensure effective working relationships with the other local staff and delegates;

• Ensure effective working relationships with National Society.

Qualifications réquises

College graduate in engineering, public works or related field
Working experience in drainage, sanitation or site planning
Working experience in project management and team management
Have analytic and reporting abilities
Be diplomatic, patient, persistent and proactive
Have excellent communication skills
Leadership skills, teamwork and relationship building
Able to prioritize and meet deadlines
Flexible and adaptable to changing working conditions
Advanced skills in computers
Willing and able to travel whenever required for work purposes
Speak French
Speak Creole
Ability to speak English strong preferred

Date limite
