Administrative Assistant AidsRelief pour CRS |

Ensures that the clerical and administrative needs of the Department are met efficiently and effectively. Liaison with Head Office departments and outside entities such as Administration, Human Resources, Purchasing, Finance.


Specific responsibilities:

1. Provide administrative support to project staff in planning logistics, preparing background documents, drafting correspondence (including translation), etc., with particular reference to field visits, staff and partner meetings, trainings, communication to AR Haiti consortium and implementing site partners, etc.

2. Assure the coordination of administrative systems, e.g., administrative forms, copying, distribution/circulation of documents.

3. Assist in organizing all logistic details (i.e., transport, lodging, etc.) and activity plans for external visitors to AR Haiti and implementing sites.

4. Act as liaision between AR Haiti program and finance staff in the finalization of partner accords/amendments, monthly expenditure reports, partner advances, etc.

5. Provide necessary coordination and followup on AIDSRelief paperwork submitted to CRS HT Finance and other departments, e.g., checks, advance requests, reimbursements, vendor payments, etc.

6. Assure the logistics for the distribution of HIV commodities and related materials/supplies to AIDSRelief partner sites.

7. Prepare meeting minutes when necessary.

8. Actively coordinate and organize special events and/or meetings with emphasis on building linkages between AIDSRelief consortium partners, implementing sites and also, CRS HT Community Outreach and Support project, e.g., World AIDS Day, HIV/AIDS Memorial Day, AR Haiti meetings, etc.

9. Maintain individual sub-grantee project files for staff reference and ongoing compilation of all project documents, including up-to-date partner contact list, partner accords/amendments, equipment/material inventory lists, narrative and financial reports, correspondence, etc.

10. Manage inventory of office supplies, materials and equipments under AIDSRelief grant.

11. Maintain personnel files for AIDSRelief staff, e.g., timesheets, leave requests, etc.

12. Liaise with CRS HT HIV/AIDS project staff in maintaining HIV/AIDS library of informational materials and project resources, both hard and electronic files.

13. Actively participate in all relevant program, CRS HT and partner meetings as appropriate.

14. Contribute to and assist in compilation of CRS HT program narrative reports on the AIDSRelief project.

15. Perform other duties as assigned.

Qualifications réquises


 College degree or equivalent in management and/ or related to development (social sciences, child protection, education, grassroots development,) preferred;
 At least 3 years experience working with international NGOs in development programs;
 Past experience working on USAID-funded projects preferred;
 Must be detail-oriented and have a strong capacity in activiity planning, coordination, and communication to multiple parties;
 Excellent oral and writing capacity in French and Haitian Creole required. Strong English skills preferred;
 Computer literate in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint;
 Flexibility and capacity to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment, security-challenged environment.
 Willingness and ability to occasionally travel to the field.
 Demonstrate self-motivation and and leadership skills;
 Ability to work as a team player and actively collaborate with colleagues across all levels of CRS Haiti and AIDSRelief Consortium members;
 Demonstrated commitment to principles of local community development involving partnership and capacity building initiatives and also, of social justice - all of which directly pertain to AIDSRelief goals for expanding access to care, treatment and community support to effectively counter the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Haiti.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of AR-AA-0310, before March 12th, 2010

Date limite
