Emergency DME Manager pour CRS | JobPaw.com

The Emergency DME Manager will be responsible for the regular management of monitoring and evaluation of the Emergency programs (OFDAs, Haiti Earthquake Response, and Others). In collaboration with program managers, program implementing partners and DMER Unit Coordinator, the Emergency DME Manager will be responsible for all stages of program data management, including indicator definition, development of data collection instruments, data collection and verification, data analysis and presentation, and feedback to partners. The Emergency DME Manager will have to ensure that systems are in place to measure programs impact and progress.


Specific responsibilities:

Support to Emergency programs:

1. Develop a sound, integrated and standardized DME system for the Emergency programs following CRS LACRO Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation strategy.
2. Manage all phases of DME system for Emergency programs and ensure that system is functional and followed. Develop data collection instruments as necessary and provide training to program staff and partners on DME system.
3. Conduct analysis of the past Emergency Programs and partner level DME structure and prepare recommendation for necessary changes and restructuring.
4. Ensure the maintenance and regular updating of a centralized project file system/database.
5. Facilitate regular implementation planning, performance monitoring of implementation plans and indicators, and development of lessons learned across all program areas.
6. Establish system to ensure timely and accurate reporting to major public and private donors and from implementing partners/sub-recipients.
7. Develop and review SOWs and contracts for Emergency M&E related consultancies.


1. Development and provide Monthly Emergency DME reports highlighting achievements of past month, issues to be addressed, planned activities for following months, etc.
2. Draft all DME sections of Emergency report.
3. Provide all necessary accurate data to program managers for the writing of reports and other documents.
4. Participate in development of major annual reports.
5. Review and revise reports to ensure sufficient attention is paid to lessons learned and impact; data are clear, accurate, and consistent; and donor reporting requirements and formats are respected.


1. Collaborate with program managers to ensure that program teams and partners are fully familiar with DME system and able to implement it. Assess program staff and partners training needs and development training plan in DME system to respond to identify program needs.
2. Assist and lead program staff and partners in the development of survey instruments, baseline studies, questionnaires, Success stories, and other necessary evaluations, studies as determined by the DMER Unit Coordinator, the DOP or other Program Managers.

1. Participate in M&E meetings with USAID, and partners
2. Participate in all other meetings where M&E is key component, and other CRS meetings and trainings as necessary.

Qualifications réquises

? College degree or equivalent in statistics, Economics.
? Diploma or equivalent in computer science a plus.
? Diploma or equivalent related to development sectors (education, human rights, grassroots development, child and women protection, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter, Construction, Cash for Work).
? Minimum 5 years experience in M&E development programs in a position of responsibility.
? Past experience working on USAID-funded projects preferred.
? Must be extremely detail-oriented and have a strong capacity in quality data analysis, planning and organization, and communication.
? Excellent verbal and written capacity in French, Creole and English.
? Excellent knowledge of statistics computer software (ACCESS, STATA, SAS, SPSS, EPI-INFO)
? Excellent knowledge of standard computer programs: Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
? Willingness to travel to the field up to 50% of the time;
? Flexibility and capacity to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment;
? Demonstrate self-motivation, team playing and supervisory skills.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of D-EDM-0310, before March 22th, 2010.

Date limite
