Cross Border Protection pour CRS |

Before the earthquake of January 12th Haiti was the largest Country Program in LACRO, with an approximate annual budget of $25M and a national staff team of over 300 people. In the response to the earthquake of January 12th the Country Program will increase dramatically in terms of annual budget and staff. There are currently 2 large offices in Haiti (Port au Prince and Les Cayes) and 4 smaller offices: Port au Paix, Gonaives, Jeremie, Miragoine. The donor base has been mostly US Government, but also included the UN, World Bank and private foundations. Private donations in response to the earthquake will now be a large part of the donor base. The CP is anchored by a five year MYAP, but also implements a wide range of programming, from emergency response to AIDSRelief and Education. A large focus will now be on various emergency programming areas (shelter, WASH, protection, distribution, camp coordination).


1. Oversee the implementation of the cross-border protection and child protection programs and ensure that stated objectives are met, that activities are appropriately monitored and evaluated and, that reports are written and submitted in a timely manner.
2. Ensure continued coordination with CRS/DR on the implementation of the cross-border protection activities.
3. Provide support and guidance to staff and implementing partners.
4. Recruit and orient new staff as needed.
5. Pursue new funding opportunities to expand the cross-border project, develop project proposals and budgets
6. Represent CRS at coordination and cluster meetings, and with local government, donors, UN and other NGOs working on the border.
7. Ensure standards of CRS and SPHERE are strictly adhered to.
8. Develop fact sheets as needed on relevant child protection issues affecting children to be used for advocacy, media, fundraising; and contribute to situation reports and donor reports.
9. Regularly communicate project progresses and collaborate with the rest of the protection team on the implementation of the overall protection program
10. Builds on the existing strengths of local communities and partners.
11. Ensure legitimate representation of the target population and that they are represented throughout the planning, implementation and evaluation of activities

Qualifications réquises

1. Masters degree, preferably in Human Rights, Public International Law, International Relations or related fields, or equivalent experience in field situations;
2. Minimum of 2 years relevant professional experience in protection and child and youth protection;
3. Excellent working knowledge of international protection standards particularly on child protection
4. Previous work experience in child protection in both complex emergencies and/or post-conflict situations;
5. Strong organizational skills and ability to manage local staff;
6. Demonstrated ability to handle sensitive situations diplomatically;
7. Demonstrated ability to write concise, analytical and well-argued reports;
8. Demonstrated training skills;
9. Ability to multi-task, handle pressure well, and improvise; flexibility; adaptability to
10. Knowledge of CRS policies and practices, preferred.
11. Professional proficiency in French and Creole, strongly preferred. English proficiency required.
12. Strong communications (verbal and written) abilities

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of UP-CBP-0310, before March 19th, 2010.

Date limite
