Petion Ville Club Distribution Team Leader pour CRS |

Before the earthquake of January 12th Haiti was the largest Country Program in LACRO, with an approximate annual budget of $25M and a national staff team of over 300 people. In the response to the earthquake of January 12th the Country Program will increase dramatically in terms of annual budget and staff. There are currently 2 large offices in Haiti (Port au Prince and Les Cayes) and 4 smaller offices: Port au Paix, Gonaives, Jeremie, Miragoine. The donor base has been mostly US Government, but also included the UN, World Bank and private foundations. Private donations in response to the earthquake will now be a large part of the donor base. The CP is anchored by a five year MYAP, but also implements a wide range of programming, from emergency response to AIDSRelief and Education. A large focus will now be on various emergency programming areas (shelter, WASH, protection, distribution, camp coordination).

The Distribution Team Leader will manage all CRS’ distributions in the Petionville Club (PVC). The Distribution Team Leader will coordinate closely with CRS’ PVC camp coordinator and the PMII for Food Security to ensure well planned and safely executed distributions.


Primary Responsibilities:
• Manage PVC camp distributions: food, NFIs (shelter and hygiene kits) and other items as they come up. Total distribution days per month: 12 to 16.
• Work with PVC CFW officer to ensure all daily wage workers at distributions are registered according to CRS’ internal CFW standards and systems.
• Ensure all received goods are distributed, and prepare daily distribution report, including the total number of commodities distributed/families served, losses of commodities, etc.

Specific Responsibilities:
• Continuous thinking through CRS’ distribution process, adapting it to changing circumstances as needed;
• Mobilization of CFW staff for each distribution day, preferably from the camp community
• Work with Gospel Boys Security team to provide security during the distributions in a respectful and effective way
• Clearly disseminate the process and schedule of distributions in the camp community, with the help of the Camp Committee
• Ensure all CRS staff and CFW team leaders are aware of the distribution process, doing timely rehearsals if the process changes;
• Coordinate distribution needs with the PVC Camp coordinator as well as
• Preparation of distribution reports: # of HH reached per distribution, problems, etc
• Regularly communicate with the team ensuring everyone knows the decision making structure, policies and procedures.
• Creates a team environment for long-term prioritization and planning.
• Communicate openly and frequently about security situation.
• Set a good example of self-care. Identify stress in team members and support constructive coping behaviors.
• Builds on the existing strengths of local communities and partners.
• Ensure legitimate representation of the target population and that they are represented throughout the planning, implementation and evaluation of activities

Qualifications réquises

1. Bachelor’s Degree in development aerea or related field or equivalent experience.
2. Minimum two years experience working within international development, including direct experience in fast paced emergency environments.
3. Minimum two years living and working in a developing country.
4. Demonstrated ability with project grants management, including project design, budget preparation, expenditure tracking, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, etc.
5. Experience with capacity strengthening and partnership building.
6. Supervisory experience, especially in a multicultural setting.
7. Strong cross cultural skills and experience working with national staff in overseas offices
8. Professional proficiency in French and Creole, strongly preferred.

Conditions particulières

Personal/Professional Skills:
1. Ability to work independently, but also coordinate effectively as part of a team.
2. Problem solver with solid judgment
3. Ability to lead a large team of national staff with a high level of respect for local culture.
4. Strong analytical and organizational skills.
5. Strong computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Outlook and Power Point).
6. Experience in beneficiary registration, emergency distributions, and monitoring and evaluation in emergency situations.
7. Knowledge of Sphere emergency guidelines.
8. Ability and willingness to work and live in a diverse, challenging and potentially unstable environment.

Dossier de candidature doit avoir ...

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with a cover letter, and copy of certificates in a sealed envelope with the mention of W-PCDTL-0310, before March 17th, 2010

Date limite
