Together We Can Program Coordinator (Reference code: TWC/001) pour Croix Rouge Americaine |


This position is responsible for day-to-day management of a HIV and AIDS prevention program in various communes in the country. This entails supervision, monitoring and oversight of the program on the ground as well as reporting back to the ARC Haiti delegation, ARC HQ, and the donor. As such, this position will work closely with Haitian Red Cross (HRC) project and branch staff and volunteers to ensure follow through on reporting, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, and program activities as per the workplan. Program activities include curriculum based TWC workshop sessions with youth, peer educator and field manager trainings, town hall meetings, community wide events, community interpersonal events, condom distribution, health messaging.

Qualifications réquises

The TWC program coordinator should have the following qualifications:
• Experience in technical and management support
• Experience in programmatic planning and implementation, including facilitation and training
• Oversight in the monitoring and evaluation of programs
• Experience in networking, building and maintaining strong relations with project partner
• Able to solve practical problems and react quickly and calmly to changing or emergency circumstances.
• Ability to multi-task in a fast pace and changing environment
• Demonstrated discretion in all matters related to the assignment, including confidential information seen and heard
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• French, Creole and English Fluency

Date limite
