L’empathie et le châtiment corporel chez un groupe de 180 professeurs au niveau de 34 écoles primaires des Gonaïves.de Emmanuel Ulysse| JobPaw.com

L’empathie et le châtiment corporel chez un groupe de 180 professeurs au niveau de 34 écoles primaires des Gonaïves.

Corporal punishment is widespread in child education worldwide. This study aims at demonstrating that the likelihood of making use of corporal punishment by primary education teachers against students is tied to their empathy level. In this regard, 180 participants, aged between 21 and 74 years old (average age, M = 38.29 ± 9.8), were recruited and split into two subgroups, one subgroup with low incline (n = 102), and the other subgroup highly incline (n = 78) to make use of corporal punishment against students. The participants were subject to a disciplinary measures scale used by a primary education teacher, and an interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) measuring empathy. Variance Analysis (ANOVA) has been utilized to investigate the relationship between the likelihood of making use of corporal punishment against children and the level of empathy. Though no significant relationship has been found, this study is socially very important, in the sense that it highlights behaviors of stakeholders in the education system that might jeopardize children development. At the clinical side, by studying teachers empathy, this research shows that there exist other factors that might influence teachers behaviors while interacting with children in classroom. At the theoretical side, the limitations of the study would allow Haitian researchers interested in the field of corporal punishment in Haiti more effectively developing tools to apprehend this research problem. This study brings a significant contribution to this field paving the way to other researchers to further explore the research object and enrich the literature.
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Rubrique: Mémoire/Travaux
Auteur: Emmanuel Ulysse | ulys12@gmail.com
Date: 28 Dec 2016
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