Wage differentials and Determinants in the Haitian Labor Marketde JobPaw (JobPaw)| JobPaw.com

Wage differentials and Determinants in the Haitian Labor Market

Wages are a key factor to competitiveness and to attract foreign investors. This paper examines wage differentials and determinants for the Haitian economy.

Using a dataset of 953 observations from 83 organizations with a semi-log regression model, we show, in addition to professionals’ qualifications and skills that organizations’ origin, type and sector determine the level of wages.

The paper’s results can guide various stakeholders of the Haitian economy open for business. First, it can help employers take a closer look at the market wages to improve their firm performance. Second, it can help foreign investors better understand Haitian labor costs, a key determinant of investment. Finally, it could serve to policy and law makers to improve the economy competitiveness.

Entrepreneurs, Investors, Professionals and Policy makers will be particularly interested by the tables with the average wages at pages 18 to 23.

The JobPaw Group makes available the specific wage for any position according the experience, the language, the level of supervision, the sector, the type and the origin of the organization.

If you are interested to have the wage for a specific position, we can write us at: info@jobpaw.com

Fichier: JobPaw.com - Connecter entreprises, professionnels et universités Cliquer ici pour le télécharger
Rubrique: Mémoire/Travaux
Auteur: JobPaw (JobPaw) | info@jobpaw.com
Date: 15 Oct 2014
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