Impact economique de la mangue sur l'economie Haitiennede Lidwine Hyppolite|

Impact economique de la mangue sur l'economie Haitienne

Mango, Mangifera indica, L, is the second largest Haitian export crop after coffee, and annually nets more than ten million dollars to the Haitian economy. Yet, only 21% of all mangos harvested reach export markets because of excessive losses caused by poor harvesting and transport practices. The objectives of this study were to estimate the economic impact to growers and suppliers that could result from the adoption of cutting poles in field harvest, pack frames with field crates for animal transport, and crate loading for truck transport. The work carried out in this study consisted of two field trips to Haiti. The first provided data with which to characterize the current mango industry, while the second field trip provided data from field experiments designed to measure mango yield distribution by tree category, harvest worker productivity with picking and cutting poles and the effect of cutting poles on rejection rates. The results show that adoption of cutting poles would have little impact on net income to growers. Nevertheless, additional benefit would be realized further down-stream in the distribution channel by reduced rejection rates from latex burn. Adoption of animal pack frames with field crates for animal transport could be expected to improve net income to first-level suppliers, and replacing bulk loading of trucks with crate loading should also increase net income to second-level and independent suppliers. The combined effect of these improvements should increase mango exports to the USA from 21% to 28%, (from 10,000 to 13,300 metric tons).
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Rubrique: Mémoire/Travaux
Auteur: Lidwine Hyppolite |
Date: 2 Dec 2013
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