Purchases of high quality materials for housing construction project for vulnerable people in CabaretpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief| JobPaw.com


Housing construction project for vulnerable people in Cabaret
UMCOR’s Haiti mission is to provide emergency response, early recovery and transitional development assistance in the affected regions of Haiti. UMCOR innovatively bridging the gap between immediate relief and long-term community development program by partnering with communities on front lines.
UMCOR Haiti is implementing a project of construction vulnerable people house at Cabaret
. The overall goal of construction of the vulnerable people housing and WASH facilities project is to provide safe housing and adequate WASH facilities to the vulnerable people in outskirts of Cabaret area. The proposed project aims to support efforts of Haitian government for improving access to housing for people in need.
In order to initiate construction of vulnerable houses; UMCOR Haiti seeks service provider/ contractor to purchase materials in aforementioned area. The service provider/ contractor will be responsible to deliver high-quality materials based in accordance with specification aforementioned in document.

Description de taches

1) First Category: Materials for reservoir
Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

1 Cement 1314 sac
2 rebar 1/2 432 rebar
3 rebar 3/8 324 rebar
4 rebar 1/4 594 rebar
5 Fil a ligature 468 lb
6 Timber wood 2x4x16 126 Unit
7 wood 1x12x16 54 Unit
8 Plywood 3/4 72 Unit
9 nail 3'' 162 lb
10 bois dur 90 dz
11 Pipe 4''sch-40 18 Unit
12 Pipe 3''sch-41 54 Unit
13 Gutters-U 36 Unit
14 Gutter brackets 216 Unit
15 drop outlet 18 Unit
16 slip connector 18 Unit
17 end cap 36 Unit
18 bushing 4''x3'' 18 Unit
19 Te 4'' 18 Unit
20 coude 90x4'' 18 Unit

2) Second Category: Aggregates for reservoir

Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

1 Backfill 58.68 m3
2 sand(lavé) 180 m3
3 Gravel 12/25 72 m3

3) Third Category: Materials for latrines
Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

1 Concrete blocks # 20 7524 Unit
2 Cement 432 sac
5 rebar 1/2 396 rebar
6 rebar 3/8 126 rebar
7 rebar 1/4 576 rebar
8 Fil a ligature 234 lb
9 Timber wood 2x4x16 72 Unit
10 wood 1x12x16 54 Unit
11 Plywood 3/4 18 Unit
12 nail 3'' 72 lb
13 bois dur 18 dz
14 Profile 2''x2''x24' 36 Unit
15 roofing sheet 32x 12x3mm rouge 36 Unit
16 peinture a huile gris 18 Unit
18 Self drilling screw 6.3mmX2'' 540 Unit
19 Pipe PVC 40'' 18 Unit
4) Fourth category: Aggregates for latrines

Items # Description Specification / Brand Quantity Unit / Measure

3 sand(lavé) 72 m3
4 Gravel 12/25 18 m3

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

. Description:-
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Haiti invites sealed Bids from reputed and eligible firms/contractors/Organizations/ registered from Ministry/ Department/ DGI. Applying contractors must have strong financial background to deliver the materials with in time frame of project to avoid any un-expected delay.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Service provider/vendor are responsible to deliver the materials in accordance with specification aforementioned in document.
Submission of Bids:-
The contractors are requested to submit sealed Bids Before:
2pm June 1st of July, 2016 after advertisement for consideration and bids should be submitted in English.
Opening of Bids: Contractors are invited to the bid opening which will be at: UMCOR Port-au-Prince office
On: 3pm 1st of July, 2016
The bid must include:
a) Complete the attached BOQ template by adding the unit costs. These should include all costs, including materials, transport.
Bids can be submitted in a sealed envelope to the following address:

P.O Box 15562, HT 6140, Port- au-Prince, Haïti,Or Sealed bids can be submitted by hand at 16, Delmas 54 office UMCOR-Haiti
(Separate box is designated for submission of Bids),For question 7 clarification, please can contact: procurement@umcor-haiti.org

Bids Evaluation:-
The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be evaluation of technical bids which represent 60% of the points and then evaluation of financial bids which represent 40% of the points. The Bidders selected on technical grounds would be eligible to compete for financial evaluation
Refusal of Bids:-
UMCOR Haiti reserves the right to cancel tender process or to reject all bids without incurring any liability to bidders.UMCOR Haiti has no liability of payment incurred for documentation of bids /transportation and any other relevant cost.
Note: - Bids submitted electronically will be considered in-eligible for process.
• Please quotes should be separated by category

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01/07/2016 à 15:00