Drilling a research and water extration boreholepourCroix-Rouge Néerlandaise| JobPaw.com

The Netherland Red Cross (NLRC ) has carried out a hydrogeological study of the Grand Gosier and its surroundings in orer to assess the possibilities of groundwater extraction to supply drinking water to the population.

The study has revealed the existence in the area of a calcareous aquifer of great extension and thickness, which could have a high permeability caused by karstificacion. Also it is estimated that water resources could be sufficient not only to supply drinking water to the Commune but also for agricultural development of the area through irrigation.

However, in the aquifer, at least in the investigated area, there is not any drill hole; and, therefore, its hydraulic properties are unknown: permeability and possible yield of the extraction wells; piezometric features (hydraulic gradients and water levels); and water quality.
Therefore, The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) is offering this tender for drilling a water extraction borehole in Grand Gosier, south of Haiti, - -Latitude: 18ᵒ 11'37, 14"N / Longitude: 71ᵒ55' 0,42'' W/ Elevation: 100± 5m a.s.l.

This is in order to determinate the hydraulic parameters of the calcareous aquifer at Grand Gosier and, especially, the water depth and its chemical quality.

Technical specification to drill the search for water extraction borehole are part of Annex I.

Description de taches

oThe drill of a small diameter hydrogeological research borehole

oGeophysical logging of the research borehole

oWidening the research borehole until a diameter enough to allow to be cased to the extraction of water (Ø 17 1/2'')

The borehole can be drilled by down hole hammer system or direct reverse rotary.

The expected litholgy is: compacted occasionally-karstified limestones; dip between 15-20ᵒ to 50-6-0ᵒ.

All works should be done during a period of two (2) months.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Envoyer le pli à

oAll documents and envelopes should be sealed and stamped. Offers should be sent at 5, route de Méyotte, Péguy-Ville, HT6140, Pétion-Ville, Haiti.

oIndentified envelops with mention : Drill and water extraction borehole The Netherlands Red Cross.

Autres remarques

oInterested and qualified applicants should contact following people to request all documents related to this tender:

1) Marie Therese Jules: 38596624, tessia_27@yahoo.fr

2) Yuguero esteban Yker: 4898-6064, iestebanyuguero@redcross.nl

oHowever it is important that your company fulfill following conditions to be eligible:

- Being recognize by local authorities and legally registered

- Having minimum qualification and experience in drilling and water extraction borehole in Haiti

oFor your offer to be considered valid you must be registered by providing us completed information as per annex B in a separate document, annex A document should also be signed and sent together with the offer.

oWe reserve the right to accept the whole or part of your offer at our convenience. All our selection procedures are not public. Submitting your offer to us will automatically imply that you fully accept our selection procedures and that neither our procedures nor its outcome will be disputed by you. The awarding of the tender will be effected within 15 days time after closing

o It is the responsibility of applicants to indicated in their bids in all confidential information or formalities regarding industrial property in other to be considered as it may