Tender for Construction Latrine Block Institution l’EspoirpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief| JobPaw.com

Tender for construction Latrine Block Institution l’Espoir
1. Adresse: Institution l’Espoir, Pernier 16, Bois Greffin. Local Eglise Croissade Evangelique.

Description de taches

1. Accountability and Responsibilities
The project includes construction of a 7 stance latrine, urinal, and hand washing station, gutters, soaker pit, and reservoir.
2. Site Visit
Interested contractors must attend a compulsory site visit starting at:
UMCOR office at 16, Delmas 54,
11h00 a.m., Thursday, January 8, 2016

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Note no questions or meetings will be allowed before the compulsory site visit dates.
REGISTER FOR SITE VISIT AT: UMCOR Offices 16, Delmas 54 or by email at rcornet@umcor-haiti.org Any time before 2 pm January 8th, 2016 – sign-up sheet at gate.
1. Timeframe
Tender Closes: 10:30 am, Friday, January 22, 2016
Opening of Bids: 12:30 pm, Friday, January 22, 2016
2. Instructions for Submission of Bids
Interested contractors must provide a bid package containing the following information in English. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
a. The quantities have already been calculated, so please add unit costs and total costs only in USD. Unit and lump sum costs should include all costs, including materials, labor, profit, overhead, all applicable taxes, fees, transportation, testing and all other costs.
b. Financial Statement - Contact information of your company on letterhead, including contact names, address, country registration form with the organization’s fiscal identification number included, and bank information, including the name of bank, account number, sort code and swift code
i. Statement of Financial Position as of September 2015 (Bilan)
ii. Statement of Profits and Loses for the Fiscal year October 2015 to September 2015. (Etat de Resultat)
c. Contact details for at least 3 organizations for which you have completed similar work and authorization to contact them. Specify what the work you did for each of these organizations.
d. CVs of key personnel (engineers and technicians) on your staff and the number of workers you plan to employ on the project.
e. A detailed work plan showing the estimated completion date, tasks, equipment to be used, workers to be employed for each phase, etc.
f. Submit the Quitus, Droit de License, and income tax number required by law.

Envoyer le pli à

REGISTER FOR SITE VISIT AT: UMCOR Offices 16, Delmas 54 or by email at rcornet@umcor-haiti.org Any time before 2 pm January 8th, 2016 – sign-up sheet at gate.

1. Timeframe
Tender Closes: 10:30 am, Friday, January 22, 2016
Opening of Bids: 12:30 pm, Friday, January 22, 2016