Trainer of farmers in irrigation best practices to increase productionpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|


Type of Contract: Trainer Consultant
Duration of Contract: 12 days (2 days preparation, 8 days training and 2 days report writing)
Sector: Livelihoods Agriculture Sector
Project Venue: Cul-de-sac and Cabaret
Expected Training Dates: January 2016
Submission Deadlines: December 14, 2015


UMCOR has provided to four (4) farmer associations with small irrigation pumps (three farmer associations in the Cul-de-Sac valley and one in Cabaret). The farmers now require training in water management, risks associated with irrigation and how to adapt their cultivation practices to increase the yield per hectare.

UMCOR intends to engage a trainer to train 40 farmers at each of the 4 Association locations (160 farmer trainees total). The objective of this training is to increase the farmer knowledge related to use of the water from the new pumps.

Description de taches

The trainer is expected to
1. Prepare material for practical, hands-on, two day training and then give that training to farmers for at 4 locations (eight days total -two days for each of 4 farmer associations). The training should be geared to illiterate or semi-literate farmers.

The material must be prepared at least 10 days in advance of the first training session and submitted to UMCOR including the training schedule and pretest and post test questions for each element. The questions should be designed to demonstrate what the farmers knew before the training and an increase in knowledge after the training. Participation in the training alone will not be sufficient – we need to know that the training changed the knowledge of the trainees.

2. Train 160 farmers (40 at each of 4 locations)
3. Demonstrate that the material of the training was understood through pre and post testing on key questions regarding the training material.
4. Prepare and submit a final report

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Required Qualifications

• Formal training in irrigated agricultural techniques, preferably small scale irrigation
• Have at least 3-5 years experience in hands-on, practical training of farmers in a field setting, preferably in small scale irrigation
• Ability to communicate and transmit information in an easy and comprehensive way
• Fluency in Creole

• Preference given to those with direct farming experience with irrigation
• Preference to those with ability to prepare their final report in English

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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Application Process

Qualified Trainers should submit the following information to UMCOR on or before 2 pm on November 30, 2015.

1. CV and proof of formal training in the area of crop production
2. Cover letter outlining direct experience in training farmers and specific experience training in water management, irrigated agricultural techniques and report writing.
3. A one-two page outline of topics that you propose to covered in a two day training and a list of existing material (with named sources if possible) that you have already in hand on this topic.
4. Three References (name, title, contact phone and email for reference check) – must be able to confirm your experience in farmer training and in the field of irrigation
5. The candidate may submit his/her application no later than 30 November 2015 by:

a) Email:, mark in subject "Application Irrigation Trainer", or
b) Hand Deliver: in a sealed envelope marked “Procurement Unit Application irrigation Trainer" to the UMCOR 16, Delmas 54

Applications from qualified women trainers are encouraged