External Contractor / Final Evaluation of ARC Portfolio of Cholera Response Projects in HaitipourCroix Rouge Americaine| JobPaw.com

Nine months after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the country was confronted with a major cholera epidemic which affected people from several regions. In the aftermath of the outbreak, efforts deployed by various International organizations, NGO’s, ministries and governmental agencies to provide support to the affected community, largely contributed to decrease the disease’s incidence rate in 2013. To date the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) has recorded 736,376 suspected cholera cases, and d 8,768 cholera related deaths between from October 2010 through to 28 March 2015.

Providing community with safe water and sanitation services, adoption of good hygiene practices are key in fighting against cholera peaks specifically in the west department, Cap Haitian in the North - a zone of persistence - and the North-East, area of the Haitian-Dominican border.

As an effort to contribute to the IFRC and Haitian government’s 10 years strategic plan to eradicate Cholera in the country, the American Red Cross has adopted a partnership strategy, where grants have been awarded to five organizations: Oxfam, NRC, SRC, FRC and HRC to implement cholera projects in the West, North and North-East. Each of these partners pursued different project’s objectives and concentrated their efforts into different types of activities linked to diminish the cholera spikes in Haiti.

Description de taches

Following are the key objectives of the evaluation:

1- Assess and describe the impacts, effectiveness, and outcomes of ARC’s Cholera Response Program implemented through partnerships in the targeted communities from the West and the North departments of Haiti with the aim to reduce the cholera outbreak.
2- Assess and describe how the Program portfolio overall is contributing to the Government’s objective to eradicate cholera from the Country.
3- Draw lessons learned and provide recommendations which can be relevant for the Government of Haiti as well as for ARC to implement similar program in the future

The evaluation will focus at Program level evaluation, focusing much on gathering overall effectiveness and impacts of the collective works of all the Partners working in the cholera response program. Thus, it will not concentrate in the evaluation of individual partner’s project and their objectives. However, to provide evidence based analysis and recommendations, the findings will refer to the work, area and the partner from the where the data are taken.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Consultants with significant expertise in evaluation are encouraged to apply.
The Lead Evaluator:

1. Strong analytical thinker and skilled writer in English
2. Master or PhD degree in public health or relevant field from recognized university
3. Demonstrated experience in leading evaluations of health sector projects/programs especially in the area of response to epidemics .Past experience in conducting evaluations of Cholera interventions and other relevant health projects
4. Demonstrated professional experience in post-disaster/humanitarian environments
5. Demonstrated experience in qualitative data collection and analysis
6. Demonstrated experience in leading focus group discussions and conducting interviews of wide range of stakeholders
7. Professional work experience in Haiti preferred
8. Fluency in English and French is required, and knowledge of Creole preferred

The Local Assistant (Haitian nationals only):

1. Minimum Bachelor degree in public health or relevant field
2. Demonstrated past experience in working with the public health sector in the government or with non-government organizations in Haiti
3. Demonstrated experience in conducting rapid rural appraisals using focus group discussions, key informant interviews of beneficiaries, project staff and other stakeholders
4. Past experience in participating in independent external evaluations of humanitarian projects highly desirable.
5. Fluent in French and native speaker of Haitian Creole; fluency in English preferred

Envoyer le pli à

Interested and qualified applicants should submit their consultancy applications by September 23, 2015, 11:59 PM EST, addressed to “Application for Final evaluation - ARC Cholera Projects / ARC Procurement” at 22 Rue Metellus, Petion-Ville, Haiti or by email at arcprocurement@amcrosshaiti.org (copy to: gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org).

Remarques contact

Request TOR by email from: arcprocurement@amcrosshaiti.org (copy to: gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org)

Autres remarques

To request clarifications and explanations, please ask questions by email. Questions must be submitted by e-mail to arcprocurement@amcrosshaiti.org (copy to: gina.barreau@amcrosshaiti.org), no later than September 15, 2015, 12 PM Haiti local time.