Baseline for the 5 years Country strategypourNorwegian Church Aid / Aide de l'Eglise Norvegienne|

Baseline for the 5 years Country strategy
Terms of Reference

Context and Program Background

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is an international non-governmental development organisation working to promote human rights and social and economic justice for poor and vulnerable communities. NCA has its foundations based in the congregation of churches in Norway.

NCA has been involved in Haiti for over twenty years, working to strengthen and build capacity of civil society organizations especially the Faith Based Organizations. The prevention of community conflicts, the involvement of both leaders and religious organizations in peace building, violence based on gender, climate justice and issues related to water, sanitation and hygiene have been guided the programmatic logic of the NCA in the last 5 years (2010-2015).

Currently NCA Haiti is developing a new strategy for the period of 2016-2020, based on the NCA global strategy "Faith in Action" .Economic Empowerment, Climate Resilience and WASH are the three mains programs prioritized in this new strategy. The programs will be implemented in specific areas located in two (2) departments (Ouest and Centre) in Haiti.

Description de taches

Objectives of the baseline study

The baseline study aims to enable measurement (quantitative and qualitative) of results at the output, and outcome level, through provision of information on the current situation of the target population on Economic Empowerment and Climate Resilience .

The specific objectives of the baseline study are:
1. Provide a first measurement of output and outcome level indicators and suggest revision/improvement of indicators where possible;
2. Provide qualitative analysis of the findings to guide the program;
3. Suggest yearly targets for indicators not previously used or measured; and
4. Uncover program gaps (if any) and provide specific recommendations for program adjustment.

The report should be developed in English or in French.
Methodology and questions
The consultant should include in his/her proposal a discussion on relevant methodology for conducting the baseline study. The methodology should be flexible and light enough to be replicated with minimal use of resources. It should--to the extent possible--draw from other diagnostic processes, for example situation analysis, conflict analysis and research.
The consultant should deliver the following within the deadlines agreed:

- An inception report/plan of how to carry out the baseline, including a timeline and logistical needs in-country.
- a draft report following the structure otherwise agreed by consensus between the consultant/team and the NCA Haiti office.
- October 2nd, a final report that includes feedback from stakeholders, including an established rights holders reference group and NCA staff. The report should be no more than 25 pages, plus 1 page of recommendations, and a 3-page executive summary.
- An easily accessible dataset, presented in Excel or another format to be agreed upon by the consultant and NCA Haiti Office.
- An in–country workshop to present the findings of the baseline. Depending on the consultants' home location and availability for travel. Suggestions for integration of findings into the current program document.

Proposed time frame
The consultancy time frame is from September 7th, 2015 to October 2nd, 2015. The maximum number of days for this consultancy is 20 days.

A draft report shall be presented to NCA for comments. The consultant(s) must allow for one week for comments and feedback from NCA on the draft.

The final report, approved by NCA, is expected finalized by October 2nd.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Qualifications and competencies

Candidates applying should possess the following:
- Significant experience in undertaking baseline studies for NGO programs;
- Significant experience with participatory processes, household surveys, data analysis and management;
- At least 7 years of work experience from Least Developed Countries;
- Solid knowledge of Haiti. Knowledge of Ouest and Centre departments is an advantage.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal skills, teamwork and adept at working with people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds; and
- Ability to communicate and produce documents in French and English. Ability to communicate in Creole is an advantage.

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Proposal (including budget)
NCA is interested in receiving tenders from both individual or team of two (2) consultants and institutions. National and international consultants are encouraged to apply. The following should, at a minimum, be included in the tenders:
1) CV with traceable references for similar tasks; 2) 4 pages of Technical Proposal, including some element of the context, a clear methodology, timeline and deliverables; 3) Financial Proposal.
The application deadline is August 11th, 2015, 2 pm. To apply or to receive the full version of the terms of references; the interested should contact us at the following email address: reference: Baseline for the 5 Year Country Strategy