Services of Professional Trainer For Child ProtectionpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

Background: UMCOR Haiti is implementing the PISANS (Provision of Integrated Services around New Settlement) project in Haut Damier, Municipality of Cabaret. The overall goal of the program is to promote peaceful cohabitation and alleviate service-based tensions between the new settlement residents and the existing host community. Within in the new DLA 1.5 settlement there are settlers from different areas of Haiti with varying backgrounds, values, motivations, perceptions and thoughts. The environment in which children grow up is challenging in terms of access to basic rights such as health care, education and protection from abuse, violence, neglect and exploitation. Child abuse takes many forms - corporal punishment, sexual abuse and child labor are common. To raise awareness of children’s rights and how to prevent child abuse UMCOR seeks to provide two one day child protection training sessions to a total of 24 trainees in Cabaret.

Description de taches

• Design, and deliver a one day training on Child Rights, common causes of abuse, and how duty bearers can prevent child abuse in their communities.
Expected output:
• Trainees have enhanced awareness of child protection rights, types of abuse, causes of child abuse and ways they as duty bearers can prevention child abuse in their communities.
• They are able to communicate what they have learned to parents and other duty bearers in their communities.
Methodology: The training should be in creole language, use participatory and interactive approaches which use trainee’s existing knowledge and situational reality.
Language: All communications and documentation related to the design and delivery of training will be in Creole/French. While communication with UMCOR, and reporting will be in English.
Expected outcomes:
It is expected that upon completion of the training session, trainees should know,
• Understand children’s rights
• Types of child abuse and exploitation and general causes in Haiti.
• Understand the impact of child labour and other abuse
• Understand their responsibilities as duty bearers to prevent child abuse

Training material in creole/French
Pre and Post training test results
Final report on training of key local issues of Child protection and drivers of abuse identified during discussion with the participants, change in knowledge and attitude based on the training, and recommendations for advanced trainings in topics

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Eligibility: Interested individuals/firms should meet the following minimum criteria,
• Have had formal training in Child Rights and Child Protection
• Having experience of at least 4 years in designing and implementing community training using participatory approaches in communities– at least 2 years specifically giving child protection training
• Proven experience of similar assignments/projects
Remuneration: Payment will be based on deliverables approved by UMCOR and must be accompanied by an invoice. Note UMCOR will provide the venue, refreshments and any materials needed. They will also transport the trainers to and from Cabaret for the two days of the trainings.
Payment will be:
First installment 10% when complete copy of schedule for the training and training material is received
Final Payment 90% upon approval of training report and based on invoice.

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Submission of EOI: Expression of interest (EOI) can be submitted electronically, procurement or by hard copy delivered at the UMCOR office 16, Delmas 54 by 23/07/2015. EOI must include motivation letter how the trainer/firm meets the requirements as far as technical training and experience, financial quote for preparation/2 one day training sessions each for about 12 people, materials list for any stationary/training material for trainees, CV of trainer and proof of technical training in Child Rights & Protection as well as contact details of three referees who have previously hired the bidder for similar work.