Services of Professional Trainer Required For Conflict ManagementpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

Background: UMCOR Haiti is implementing the PISANS (Provision of Integrated Services around New Settlement) project in Haut Damier, Municipality of Cabaret. The overall goal of the program is to promote peaceful cohabitation and alleviate service-based tensions between the new settlement residents and the existing host community. Within the new DLA 1.5 settlement there are settlers from different areas of Haiti with varying backgrounds, values, motivations, perceptions and thoughts. When conflict is mismanaged it can cement distrust and lead to increased tension so leaders in both communities have prioritized learning negotiation and conflict resolution skills as part of their as management roles. By organizing training, UMCOR seeks to strengthen the capacities of communities to resolve disagreements and conflicts among themselves and help build community links and harmonious living conditions.

Description de taches

Objective: To select a professional to design, and deliver a one-day training on negotiation and conflict management skills for combined members of the DLA 1.5 settlement and the Haut Damier host community.
Expected output: Community leaders have enhanced negotiation and conflict resolutions skills to respond to the needs in their housing areas and between the two communities.
Methodology: The training should use a participatory and interactive approach starting from identification, recognition of conflict drivers to negotiation and resolution of conflicts. The training should be flexible enough to work specifically on common conflict experienced in the communities. The training should start with a knowledge, and attitude survey end with a similar one to see if there has been a change in knowledge and attitude. The total number of participants will be a maximum of 50 participants in two separate meetings. While the participants will be different on both days, the training material will remain the same.
Language: All communications and documentation related to the design and delivery of training will be in Creole/French. While communication with UMCOR and reporting will be in English.
Expected outcomes:
It is expected that upon completion of the training session, participants should be able to:
• Understand what drives conflict generally and within their community
• Have learned some approaches and tips for calming situations of conflict, negotiating among parties and reaching a resolution.
• Able to recognize behaviors which increase conflict and those which reduce it.
• Understand the limitation of their roles of mediators in negotiations.
• Be proactive in spotting areas of possible tension and actively engaging the community is finding workable solutions before conflicts arise
• Meet the leaders from the other community and start to develop a rapport through learning together.

Training material in Creole/French.
Two one-day training agenda is implemented.
Preparation of before training and after training survey questions – compile results.
Final report of key conflict drivers identified by the community representatives, change in knowledge and attitude. based on the training, and recommendations for advanced trainings in topics.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Eligibility: Interested individuals/firms should meet the following minimum criteria,
• Having experience of at least four years in designing and implementing community training using participatory approaches in communities – at least two years specifically giving negotiation and conflict resolution training.
• Proven experience of similar assignments/projects.
• Proven formal training in conflict resolution techniques.

Remuneration: Payment will be based on deliverables approved by UMCOR and must be accompanied by an invoice.
Payment will be:
First installment 10% when complete copy of schedule for the training and training material is received
Final Payment 90% upon approval of training report and based on invoice.

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9. Instructions for Submission of Bid

Interested consultants are asked to provide the following information in English in the bid package. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

1) Expertise/Experience:
Cover Letter detailing how previous experience/training makes consultant ideal for the work outlined above.
CV of trainer and proof of technical training in negotiation and conflict resolution skills (or overview of consulting firm with CV details on trainers to be used for each of the sessions) as well as contact details of three referees who have previously hired the bidder for similar work.
2) A list of three references with contact information (phone, email, Skype) who can attest to your skills and prior performance of similar consultancy work.
3) Fee structure – please include daily rate, any other costs etc envisaged – the more detailed the better. Note UMCOR will provide venue, snacks/meals, stationary as needed, equipment so the budget will be material preparation for the training and consultant fees only.

**Please note that bids must either be physically delivered to UMCOR Haiti office at 16 Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince, Haiti or emailed to by July 13, 2015 12:00 PM (EST/Haiti time)