Production of Radio DramapourOxfam|

The goal for Oxfam is to deliver critical information to those who need it most doing so through compelling, entertaining programming via the radio through which to reach across vast geographic distances, aiming to directly reach young people, mothers, fathers and more.

As such, Oxfam and partners developed a 20 episode radio drama/novella to change and influence knowledge, attitudes and behaviours amongst its target communities in Haiti. This season is currently being broadcast, in Creole.

Description de taches

2. Scope of Work

Oxfam is launching this bid to choose a supplier to work with Oxfam on the development and production of a second season of the radio drama.

As such, Oxfam is looking for a company with the following competencies and resources available to them:

- Familiarity with the Sabido Methodolgy and Entertainment Education approaches
- A team of writers already trained on the Sabido Methodlogy and how to apply the methodology to Haitian social issues which Oxfam are involved in to develop storylines.
- Access to a recording studio
- Ability to hire Haitian actors and writers

The scope of work is such that the supplier would have to:
- Ensure that the behaviour changes promoted by the program are realistic within the context through regular Technical Advisory Committee Meetings.
- Incorporate factual data/messaging documents provided by Oxfam regarding existing conditions and available solutions so they can be accurately reflected in the radio drama.

3. Deliverables

Oxfam is looking for a company to produce the following items for the radio drama, noting that the selected company will work with Oxfam on these products, requiring consultation and approval for all scripts and audio recordings.
- Work closely with Oxfam to create a realistic timeline and work plan for the production of a 30-50 episode radio drama with scripts based on information gathered during creative team development working sessions (with Oxfam and local partners).
- Develop character profiles, storylines, beat sheets, episodic treatments and scripts.
- Work closely with Oxfam on the revision of character profiles, storylines, beat sheets, episodic treatments and scripts to the satisfaction of Oxfam.
- Pilot episode testing of at least 2 episodes, with Oxfam
- Production of 30-50 episodes


Items which should be submitted as part of the offer are:

a. Presentation of company
b. Experience in using Sabido Methodology in the development of a radio drama (details the steps required to develop a drama based on the methodology)
c. Implementation Schedule (based on calendar provided below)
d. Human Resources available for writing, production and recording (CVs required for Producer(s) and Senior Staff)
e. Similar Experiences (with audio samples provided)
f. Access to Physical Resources (recording studio etc.)

a. Budget using the format provided based on the writing and production of 30 episodes (subject to change), in USD.


Posting on Job Paw: June 19, 2015
Reception of Offers (in sealed envelope): July 10, 2015
Review and Selection of firm: August 2015
Start of Contract: September 2015
Final Scripts Developed:November 2015
Pilot Test Episodes Delivery: December 2015
Production and delivery of 30 episodes: February – March 2015

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

- Understanding of work to be done
- Availability based on calendar
- Human and material resources available
- Previous experience in similar works
- Competitive pricing

Envoyer le pli à

Offers should be sent in hard copy (1 only) with an accompanied electronic version (CD or USB key) in a sealed envelope to:
Ms. Josee Gauthier
#3, rue Pelerin 2a
Route de Kenscoff
Petion Ville

Remarques contact

If there are any questions related to the tender, they should be addressed to before the closing date.

Autres remarques

Quote Format

Quant./Description/Price per unit/Total USD
Conception and scripts development:
Creative Meetings
Writers Producer
Script Texts

Production and Recording:
Pilot Tests
Rent of recording studio
Other Production costs (specify)