Service Provider for Supply of ItemspourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

Terms of Reference
Service Provider for Supply of Items

UMCOR Haiti is implementing the PISANS (Provision of Integrated Services around New Settlement) project with financial support of USAID in Haut Damier, Municipality of Cabaret. The overall goal of the program is to promote peaceful cohabitation and alleviate service-based tensions between the new settlement residents and the existing host community. UMCOR is seeking to establish recreational friendly spaces for children in DLA 1.5 to provide opportunities of recreation for children. To establish child friendly spaces, UMCOR requires a variety of items from a local contractor.

Description de taches

To hire the services of a supplier to acquire specific items to create a safe recreational space for children in the targeted neighborhood.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) invites sealed bids from reputed and eligible firms/suppliers/Distributors/agents for provision of required items.
The details and number of items required is provided below:

Description of item UNIT
Slide 02
Chevalet Double 01
Balancoir (3 places) 01
Carrousel 01
Manege (06 places) 01
Petit cage 02
Table a couverture 01
Parallele simple 02
Balancoir 01
Banc long 01
Banc Tuyaux 02

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Envoyer le pli à

Submission of Bids:

• The contractors are requested to submit sealed bids by Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at noon, Haiti time for consideration.
• Should submit explanatory note about the items along with a detailed financial proposal.

**Please note that bids must either be physically delivered to UMCOR Haiti office at 16 Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince, Haiti or emailed to by June 24, 2015 12:00 PM (EST/Haiti time)