Water System Assessment at Haut Damier/CabaretpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief| JobPaw.com

Terms of Reference (ToR)
Water System Assessment at Haut Damier/Cabaret
UMCOR, Haiti

June 2015

1. Background and context

After the devastating earthquake and cholera outbreak in 2010, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) increased its operations in the earthquake-affected West Department. UMCOR plans to improve water supply and water quality in the Haut Damier area.

UMCOR seeks to hire the service of a firm to conduct a hydrogeologic survey of the condition of existing water systems and present pros and cons to different alternative deep well locations to increase the quantity, improve the quality, and reliability of the water supply. In the Haut Damier area, there are between 366 to 374 households plus the USAID development (DLA 1.5) has 154 households with their own water and septic systems. Each household has an average of 5 people. For the DLA 1.5 project, DNIEPA requested 30 gallons per household. The current minimum water supply needs would be 11,200 gpd and this will increase with future growth, requiring a minimum of 16,500 gpd by 2028.

UMCOR met with local authorities and DINEPA to discuss this approach and the water system.

Description de taches

2. Objectives

The overall objective of this assignment is to determine the best location(s) for a sustainable well for the community of Haut Damier without effecting the DLA 1.5 existing water system. Specifically, this assignment aims at determining the following:

1. Determine the physical characteristics of the aquifer that is available locally in the Haut Damier area.

2. Determine the possibilities of accessing the deeper aquifer in the Haut Damier area.

3. Determine how much renewable water is available in the local aquifer system and to what extent is the supply resilient to drought, climate change and contamination.

4. Determine if there is sufficient water available for the needs of the community now and into the future without depleting the resource or degrading the water quality.

5. Determine where are the best locations to drill wells, how deep and how should the wells be drilled and constructed to assure best results.

6. Determine what would the potential effects be of installing new production wells on existing wells such as the DLA 1.5 well and other private wells in the area.

Optional Tasks

7. Determine what would a water system look like to serve Haut Damier? How much would it cost?

8. Determine is the deeper aquifer accessible in the hills northwest of Haut Damier and could it be economically investigated and developed?

9. Determine what lessons can be learned from the DLA 1.5 water system that may enable a cost effective and sustainable water supply for all of Haut Damier.

3. Tasks for the assignment

In order to achieve the above objectives, the following tasks are expected to be undertaken by the Consultant. The consultant is to include a detailed approach to completing these tasks and schedule:

1. Desk review: Compile and review geologic and topographic maps, digital terrain data, satellite imagery, papers, publications and other available reports and records relevant to this area. This research and analysis will guide the field program to achieve the goals of the study in a timely manner.

2. Field Reconnaissance:

a. Complete a reconnaissance and mapping of geologic and hydrogeologic features to support hydrogeological characterization. Wells, springs and other water points should be visited and water quality analyzed. Comprehensive hydrochemistry analysis will be performed for a minimum three samples to support aquifer characterization. Three rainfall samples (if possible) will be collected in order to support a recharge analysis of the aquifer.

b. Geophysical Survey: A geophysical investigation is to be conducted to characterize and map the subsurface and support well siting. Describe the geophysical methods which will be used, why, and experience of the firm and individuals in the firm using the selected methods.

c. Aquifer Pump Test: One well will be selected by the consultant with the approval of UMCOR for pump testing in order to substantiate aquifer conditions. A 3 hour variable rate and 72 hour constant rate pumping test will be performed. Results are to support determination of aquifer characteristics, sustainable yields, and support vulnerability analysis.

3. Analysis and Reporting: Report illustrating the collected data, findings and recommendations of the investigation. Report sections with color maps and modeled geophysical cross-sections, description of the hydrogeological environments, evaluation of potential aquifers, drilling recommendations (location and depth), and estimates costs for the drilling program. Three hard copies of the final report will be delivered and the digital copy in word and pdf formats. The work and the reports will be the property of UMCOR.


1. Conceptual Water System Design: This task would provide a conceptual design will include approximate locations of well (or well field) based on the results of the study, reservoir, supply and distribution lines with probable pipe sizes, locations of kiosks, and probable solar power pump sizes and energy requirements. Cost estimates are also to be included.

2. Technical and management review of the DLA 1.5 water system.

3. Evaluation of Deep Regional Aquifer Potential.

4. Deliverables

The expected deliverables of the assignment:

„Ï A comprehensive plan of the proposed methodology that will be used for the study; a detailed report of the assessment including, hydrogeological survey, report illustrating the collected data, findings and recommendations of the investigation. Report sections with color maps and modeled geophysical cross-sections, description of the hydrogeological environments, evaluation of potential aquifers, drilling recommendations (location and depth), and estimates costs for the drilling program. Three hard copies of the final report will be delivered and the digital copy in word and pdf formats. The work and the reports will be the property of UMCOR.

„Ï The draft report must be submitted within 6 weeks after contract signing.

„Ï A PowerPoint presentation of the maps, cross-sections, drilling recommendations, etc to be used for UMCOR¡¦s various meetings and website; and

„Ï Detailed listing of all assumptions and calculations used as basis for the study.

5. Methodology

The consultant or the firm will use a methodology that will facilitate the generation of agreed and trusted information for the well locations. Firm will work with UMCOR to obtain inputs from the local community and authorities. If direct interviews with individuals, hold community discussions and focus groups, check seasonal calendars, diaries and population reports, conduct transect walks and desk review, meeting with DINEPA, local authorities, organizations including small missionary groups are needed consultant is to work with UMCOR to gather all relevant information.

6. Proposed time frame

The assessment is expected to take a maximum of 8 weeks upon contract signing which includes desk-review, field reconnaissance tasks, and reporting of all expected deliverables.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

7. Skills and experience required:

„Ï The consultant or the firm must have water resource management, water engineering or related background and have particular experience in conducting hydrogeologic studies, geophysical survey, source investigation and analysis in Haiti and preferred in the Cabaret and Haut Damier areas.

„Ï An advanced degree and a minimum of 5 years experience in a relevant WASH field; e.g. Water resource management,, Civil Engineering, Public Health Engineering, Environmental Science, geology, hydrogeology, geophysical;

„Ï Relevant experience in conducting similar work in the last 3 years in developing country context especially Haiti.

„Ï Relevant work experience in Haiti and at least three (3) professional references for work completed in Haiti.

„Ï Ability to fluently communicate in English, French or Creole.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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8. Submitting expression of interest

Interested consultants or firms should send the following:

„Ï A cover letter introducing the consultant or firm and how he/she/theymeet the skills and competencies described above and giving concrete examples,

„Ï Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) (of all key staff in the case of firms who will be engaged upon this assessment) with details of qualifications, experience, and earliest date of availability.

„Ï Telephone contacts, email, firm, and names of three references.

„Ï Proof of similar work ¡V completion certificates, contracts, copies of reports

„Ï A proposal detailing the general methodology and tools that will be used to carry out the study including timeframe and implementation schedule

„Ï A financial proposal detailing the cost of the study.

„Ï Consultant is not required to submit the required information on the optional tasks; however, either or all of these optional tasks can be submitted as separate documents.


Complete applications should be provided in sealed envelopes addressed to:

UMCOR-Haiti office

Attn. Procurement Officer

And delivered to 16, Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince.

Applications may also be sent via e-mail to: procurement_officer@umcor-haiti.org with cc etomlin@umcor-haiti.org,

by 12th June, 2015 (3pm, local time).

Originals of certificates and testimonials should NOT be sent, but may be requested if the applicant is shortlisted.