Facilitate UMCOR Mid-Year Staff Program Review SessionspourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief| JobPaw.com

Terms of Reference for Service Provider—Facilitate UMCOR Mid-Year Staff Program Review Sessions
July 13-15, 2015

1. Overview

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) provides emergency and development and relief assistance internationally by working collaboratively with local communities to assist with restoring social stability, revitalizing community structures, and empowering members to retake control of their lives.

The goal of UMCOR Haiti’s efforts for the upcoming program period is to support recovery in Haiti and reinforce Government of Haiti (GoH) led plans for development through the implementation of sustainable post-earthquake reconstruction and development projects. The UMCOR Haiti Strategy through 2017 takes into account Haiti’s development challenges pre-earthquake, yet focuses on recovery and projects adequate for reconstruction given the changes in context, content, and focus of the GoH’s “Build Back Better” agenda.

Operating in the earthquake affected West Department, UMCOR works in partnership and collaboration with local communities, national and international partners, the Eglise Méthodiste d’Haiti (EMH) and the Volunteers in Mission initiatives (VIM) in the sectors of livelihood, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, and shelter and reconstruction (which includes education). UMCOR’s strategy is to enhance partnerships and leverage funds and knowledge in the years ahead. In addition, as opportunities allow and funding and staffing permits, UMCOR will look to expand its geographic reach to implement programs outside of the West Department through existing and new partnerships.

In 2012 and 2013, UMCOR Haiti increased its presence and activities in new areas of the West Department through collaboration with new partners, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), on integrated resettlements projects, to support the safe return of individually displaced persons to new resettlement housing options with improved access to water and hygiene promotion activities and waste management options; school repairs; and livelihood opportunities. As a result of this partnership, UMCOR Haiti intends to seek additional opportunities to collaborate with USAID for involvement in other planned resettlement areas in the West Department in 2015 and 2016. All program sectors are also supporting and planning cross-sectoral, integrated interventions in Port-au-Prince, including the communities of Bristout and Bobin.

In 2014-2017, UMCOR Haiti proposes to continue to build on previous experiences and successes in its programming by applying lessons learned from earlier projects and developing scaled or second generation programs in support of long-term recovery and development. UMCOR will also continue to use community-based engagement processes to help identify, refine and target interventions, to efficiently use resources and deepen its understanding of the communities it serves. Through this process, the local capacity of UMCOR Haiti staff, the EMH and community partners will be enhanced.

In January 2015, the UMCOR Haiti team, led by an external facilitator, reviewed the organization’s progress on its 2014 activities and set the course for 2015. The objectives for the annual review were as follows:

1) Understand current plans in light of a shifting environment;
2) Provide all staff a chance to reflect lessons learned internally and externally and make recommendations;
3) Better understand monitoring and evaluation in the planning process;
4) Problem solve and action plan to reflect recommendations in program and operations; and
5) Update and finalize G188 2015 (budget and program) plan for submission.

The mid-year review is an opportunity for the staff to reflect back on the previous six months and course correct. The operational context in Haiti complex and often derails forward progress, thus the mid-year review and three day pause in program implementation allows the team to discuss activities that worked well with respect to program design and implementation and what requires reinforcing or change in direction in view of challenges faced.

To support the aforementioned activity, UMCOR Haiti seeks a facilitator to support its three-day mid-year program review. The description is provided below.

Description de taches

2. Service Provider

UMCOR Haiti seeks a facilitator (hereinafter “consultant”) to perform the following duties:

Facilitator: This consultant will lead the Mid-Year Program Review of the Haiti Country 2015 Program. That means, leading the staff through an assessment over three days of UMCOR’s programs, activities and the progress the staff has made over the previous six months. The successful consultant will have a reputation as a leader in the field of facilitation and preference will be given to consultants who have worked previously with UMCOR and therefore know its organizational mandate/approach/systems etc. Experience with facilitation of other NGO evaluations and reviews is also an advantage. Additionally the facilitator must have solid experience in organizing and leading discussion groups, reflecting back ideas and thoughts, building concensus and summarizing progress and areas of agreement. The facilitator will capture the discussion and detail the ideas, suggestions and recommendations of UMCOR Haiti’s team members for updating the UMCOR Haiti 2015 Country Specific Plan. The format of the notes will follow the sub-headings of the CSP as recommendations for updates/changes.

All materials developed will become the property of UMCOR for its use and distribution.

3. Geographic Location

The primary activity of the facilitator will be performed during the mid-year review meeting in Port au Prince, Haiti at a location secured by UMCOR Haiti. Preparation work before the event may be done remotely or in Haiti, and report writing may be done remotely.

4. Evaluation Methodology

The facilitator will use participatory methodology, large and small group discussion, games and other tools to encourage active participation, promote analysis and constructive solutions to obstacles to UMCOR Haiti’s successful achievement of its goals.

5. Accountabilities and Responsibilities

Overall coordination of the consultancy will be provided by the UMCOR Head of Mission (HoM) and the Deputy Head of Mission (DHoM). They shall be responsible for the approval of all deliverables and approval of payments.

6. Activities and Deliverables

Deliverables must be submitted electronically in an adaptable format such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, or Excel. PDFs will not be accepted. Deliverables must receive approval from the Head of Mission before they are considered a final product. To process payment, approved deliverables must be accompanied by an invoice.

The facilitator, will be briefed by the HoM and DHoM, on the scope of the Mid-Year Program Review and its schedule.

All deliverables will be reviewed by UMCOR, which can request subsequent feedback, corrections or changes.

Deliverables and draft timelines are outlined in the table below by way of general guidance. **Please note that timelines are subject to change, and in these cases, will be discussed with the selected consultant.

Deliverable Type/Who Description Language Delivery Date
Service/Facilitator Discussion with HoM/DHoM re: preparation for meeting English July 6-9, 2015
Service/Facilitator Facilitate July 13-15, 2015 Annual Program Review English July 13-15, 2015
Service/Facilitator Notes from the Mid-Year program review incorporated into format of the Haiti Country Specific Plan as Update/Recommendation notes following the appropriate Plan section. English July 21-23, 2015

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7. Proposed Timeframe

Deadline for submission of CVs and Motivation letter detailing how your experience and training has prepared you for the role outlined above:
Facilitator: Monday, June 8, 2015 16:00PM/4PM (EST/Haiti time)

Bids must either be physically delivered to UMCOR Haiti office at 16 Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince, Haiti or emailed to procurement_officer@umcor-haiti.org by 16:00/4PM (EST/Haiti time) on June 8, 2015 with sealed envelope addressed as or the subject line of the email saying “ToR, UMCOR Mid-Year Program Review.”

*Please note that the dates below are subject to change:
Selection of consultant June 10, 2015
Preparation day Facilitator (1 day) June 19-20, 2015
Facilitation (3 days) July 13-15, 2015
Writing of Report July 21-23, 2015
Submission draft report July 28, 2015
Feedback from UMCOR January 30, 2015
Submission Final Report (1 day) August 3, 2015
8. Instructions for Submission of Bid

Interested consultants are asked to provide the following information in English in the bid package. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

1) Expertise/Experience::
• Motivation Letter detailing how previous experience/training makes consultant ideal for the work outlined above
• CV of consultant (and or overview of consulting firm)
• A list of three references with contact information (phone, email, Skype) who can attest to your skills and prior performance of similar consultancy work.

3) Fee structure – please include daily rate – travel, prep, facilitation and writing, travel cost for facilitator, communications costs etc envisaged – the more detailed the better. Note: UMCOR is a non-profit and thus reserves the right to arrange and directly pay for travel to Haiti, accommodation as well as per diem for in country costs of the facilitator at economy rates. Facilitator is free to ask for and pay for upgrades as they desire. All arrangements and costs of the venue, refreshments will be covered by UMCOR. A materials list may be provided which UMCOR will source locally.

**Again, please note that bids must either be physically delivered to UMCOR Haiti office at 16 Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince, Haiti or emailed to procurement@umcor-haiti.org by
Facilitator: Monday, June 8, 2015 16:00PM/4PM (EST/Haiti time)
with the sealed envelope address or email subject line “ToR, UMCOR Mid-Year Program Review.”

9. Other Terms and Conditions

As per UMCOR procurement and financial policies, a maximum payment up to 10% of the total contract can be made upon signing the contract only if there are upfront costs to be incurred by the consultant, otherwise installments will be paid upon submission and approval of deliverables. If the Mid-Year review is held outside Port au Prince, UMCOR Haiti will directly arrange and pay for transport, accommodation and food.