Services of Professional Football CoachpourUnited Methodist Committee On Relief|

Terms of Reference
Services of Professional Football Coach

UMCOR Haiti is implementing the PISANS (Provision of Integrated Services around New Settlement) Program in Haut Damier, Municipality of Cabaret. UMCOR recognizes that participation in sports can bring communities together and promote positive interaction and peace among neighbors.

Description de taches

The services of a certified professional football coach is required to help develop two adult and two children’s football teams during the month of June 2015 in the Haut Damier area of Cabaret. Transportation will be provided from PaP to the training location and back on training days.


• The services required: Conduct try outs for the teams, select players.
• Plan, organize, and conduct two hour daily practice sessions five days a week over a one month period (June 2015). That will be three adult practices and two for children each session two hours.
• Instruct selected players in sportsmanship, football rules, game strategies, performance principles and techniques.
• Explain and enforce safety rules.
• Monitor athletes' use of equipment to ensure safe and proper use.
• Manage equipment after its use to ensure securely stored.
• Hire, supervise, and work with extended coaching staff (Up to 4 people)
• Lead the development and arrange a friendly competition day at the end of the four weeks. UMCOR will support with logistics (transport needed equipment, pay for the referees,

• Must be a certified official coach or have a combination of formal training in football coaching and proven experience in coaching adults and/or children for minimum two years.
• Good communication skills in Creole.
• Positive attitude and approach to his or her coaching style that will allow participants to develop needed skills and techniques in a supportive atmosphere.
• Be able to describe the risks to children’s safety and protection needs in organized sport and sign child protection policy.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Selection: - The selection of the coach will be carried out in accordance with defined policies and procedures of UMCOR. There will be an interview and reference checks.

Envoyer le pli à

Applicants should submit a letter explaining their competency and experience and attach scans of their training certification. They must submit three current references (name, position, contact phone and email) who can speak for the coach’s ability, integrity and experience.

Applications can either be physically delivered to UMCOR Haiti office at 16 Delmas 54, Port-au-Prince, Haiti or emailed to by June 5, 2015, 16:00 PM (EST/Haiti time).