RFO - Suppliers of various Kits: small metal whistle, Manual powered flash light, Family First aid kit, Long white candles, Match boxes, Sealable plastic box, etc.pourGOAL Haiti| JobPaw.com


1. Timetable
2. About GOAL
3. Instructions to Bidders
4. Submission of Offer
5. Selection Criteria
6. Information Required
7. Payment Terms
8. Conditions of Tender
9. Bidders Signature
10. Appendices
Annex 1 Offer Form
Annex 2 GOAL Standard Terms and conditions
Annex 3 Vendor Registration Form

Description de taches


Issue of RFO: 9th March 2015
Deadline for Reply: 1st April 2015
Evaluation of Offers 3rd April 2015
Issue of Contract (estimated): 6th April 2015


GOAL is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to the alleviation of the suffering of the poorest of the poor. It was founded by John O'Shea in 1977.

GOAL's Mission Statement: To work towards ensuring that the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable in our world and those affected by humanitarian crises have access to the fundamental needs and rights of life, for example, food, water, shelter, medical attention and literacy. It is non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political.

GOAL has responded to nearly every major natural and man-made disaster in the past 30 years and is currently operational in 13 countries in the developing world. It also implements rehabilitation and long-term development programmers and works with local partner organizations that have similar objectives. While GOAL’s priority is to bring life-saving assistance to people affected by emergencies, through the provision of food, healthcare and other basic requirements, it also priorities programmers which care for street children and people affected by HIV/AIDS.


Quantity Required Description Specifications/Units
2240 Metal whistle Small metal whistle with lanyard. 2 whistles per kit
1120 Manual powered flash light with radio Flash light/radio with no batteries
1120 Family First aid kit Without drugs or medicine. Family first aid kit should include bandages, scissors, plasters, compress ect
1120 Heavy-duty sealable plastic bag for protecting/securing important documents size 11x14 inch
1120 Candle pack of 8 Long white candles
1120 Pack of 10 match boxes Match boxes - 10 boxes in a pack
1120 Sealable plastic box that can contain all the items of the kit Lid must be able to close tightly

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme


When analysing the Offers, the following are a minimum requirement for GOAL:
1. Ex works price
2. Total DDU price
3. Specification/quality & compliance with international norms
4. Delivery Schedule
5. Experience of Vendor
6. Place of Manufacture and Country of Origin


As part of this tender, for all items required as per Annex 1 for the GOAL Haiti Programme, please quote for all of the following optional Incoterms 2010 to the delivery destination below:


GOAL Haïti
17, Rue Goulard Pétion-Ville, Haïti

Please complete all sections of Annex 1. Incomplete offers will be rejected.


GOAL requires all existing and new suppliers to complete a Vendor Registration Form, Annex3, and submit this with your offer in order to qualify for this tender process.

In addition to the information requested in the Vendor Registration Form, please also provide

1. VAT Registration Certificate
2. Renewed Trade licence

All successful bidders will be the subject to GOAL’s General Condition of Purchase, located in this document under Annex 2.


Please give a full specification of the products being offered, including the generic, commercial or brand Please, complete all information required in Annex 1.

If your response deviates from GOAL’s requirement specifications in this RFO (names, description, packaging, design, raw materials etc), please include details in the Annex 1 as requested.

GOAL requires your company to provide accurate and true information in both your quote and any other information provided verbally or through email throughout the process of RFO submissions and tender clarifications. All information provided to GOAL as part of this RFO process should be accurate, should any false information be provided on behalf your company this will lead to exclusion from the RFO.


1. Prices must be expressed in HTG or USD.
2. Individual prices must be provided in the Offer as follows:
o Ex - works prices
o Delivery to GOAL office in Port-Au-Prince Haiti
o VAT , Import taxes and any duties payable
o Any other associated costs
3. Any discount offered to GOAL must be clearly indicated as a percentage of the overall cost.


1. Detailed delivery schedule will be negotiated with the successful supplier.
2. On arrival the supplies should be free from damage. The supplier shall be liable for all losses due to insufficient or unsuitable packing and delivery arrangements, and will be responsible for the cost of returning any unacceptable supplies.
3. Only compliant and accurate items, that meet GOAL specifications shall be accepted and paid for by GOAL.
4. Non-conforming items delivered shall be rejected by GOAL, in which case you will be required to collect the items. In case of rejection of part of or full order delivered by a vendor, GOAL will not pay for the cost of goods rejected.


1. All commodities supplied must be accompanied by a certificate proving the source of the commodities (see Section 9 below for definition of source)
2. All suppliers must verify their nationality by providing a certificate of nationality or similar (see Section 9 below for definition of nationality).
3. All shipping and importation documentation, if any of your supplies originated and/or are sourced outside of Republic of Ireland


Please print off and sign a copy of this document (see section 9) to indicate that you have read, understood and agree to the contents.
This RFO, in conjunction with Annex 1 Offer Form, Annex 2 GOAL General Conditions of Purchase and Annex 3 GOAL Vendor Registration form, must be signed and returned with your offer.


1. Payment will be made to the vendor by bank transfer within 30 days from receipt by GOAL of all goods mentioned in the contract according to the agreed schedule.
2. There will be liquidated damages equivalent to a deduction of 0.2% per day or part thereof for late deliveries due to default on the part of the vendors, but no more that accumulative 5%, upon which GOAL has a right to cancel the order with a vendor or look for alternative solutions. This includes instances where the goods are rejected due to bad quality and should be replaced, exceeding the agreed delivery time.


1. GOAL reserves the right to deal with any Offer of its choice or any or all parts of the Offer and to purchase items from various Offers. GOAL is not bound to accept the lowest Offer or any Offer.
2. This document is not a contract or an Offer into a contract, but is a request for a quotation for the product indicated in the RFO annex
3. GOAL does not undertake to pay by letter of credit or in advance of delivery.
4. Respondents are bound by their Offer for a period of 60 days as from the closing date of bids. If the validity of your offer is less than 60 days, or more than 60 days timeframe, please, clearly indicate same in your commercial offer
5. GOAL is in no way responsible for any costs associated with preparing the RFO response.
6. GOAL reserves the right to alter the dates of the timetable.
7. GOAL will inform each respondent to the results of the decision on their Offer; this process is not open to the public. GOAL is not obliged to justify or explain selection to any respondent.
8. Any queries about this RFO should be addressed in writing to GOAL Ireland via email on tenders@goal.ie
9. Any contract that results from this tender will be subject to GOAL Ireland’s standard Terms and Conditions.


I have read and understood this document

Signed: ____________________________________ Date: __________________________

Name: ____________________________________ Position: ______________________________

Organisation: ______________________________

Envoyer le pli à


By submitting your Offer, the Bidder accepts in full the conditions of this RFO, waiving his/her own conditions of sale.

Please read all instructions, terms and conditions carefully, and ensure your information and documentation is provided on time as failure to do so may result in rejection of your bid.

If clarification is required on this tender please send your query at least five days prior to submission date to tenders@goal.ie. Please include the tender reference number and words “clarification required” In the subject line. Your query will then be forwarded to the relevant person. Direct contact with any other GOAL staff member, before opening date, will result in the Immediate Disqualification of The Submitted Tender. 4. SUBMISSION OF OFFERS
Offers must be delivered in one of the following ways:
1. In a sealed envelope to the following address:
GOAL Haïti
17 Rue Goulard Pétion- Ville Haïti

Your proposal, in original, should be sealed in an envelope addressed as follows:
Request for Offer
GOAL Reference RFO/ PAP-ECHO-3007
Not to be opened before 3rd April 2015- 17:00 GMT By the tender committee

2. By email to the following address:

The subject line and email body should reference the following:
Request for Offer for
GOAL Reference
If submitting by e-mail please include scanned signed copies of your bid.

Important: Offers transmitted in any other manner than those indicated above or offers received after the deadline date and time will not be considered.

All responses will be opened by the GOAL Tender Committee and all Bidders will be notified of the results.

Ouverture de pli

03/01/0000 à 11:00