Expressions of Interest-Communications ConsultantpourCatholic Relief Services|

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the international relief and development agency of the United States Catholic community. CRS supports more than 100 million people in more than 100 countries on five continents. CRS works with local partners to promote human development by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies; and serve Catholics in the United States as they live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world. CRS’ World Headquarters is located in Baltimore, MD. CRS has been operational in Haiti since 1954, implementing a variety of programs ranging from emergency response to sustainable development depending on particular needs and dynamics within the country. CRS’ current portfolio focuses on urban development, agricultural production and value-chains, quality education, health, and Disaster-Risk Reduction.

CRS/Haiti seeks expressions of interest from experienced communications professionals operating in Haiti to advise on a learning program for CRS staff to build their capacities in communications. This consultancy will serve to facilitate the development, planning and execution of communications and marketing training for staff within the Haiti country program.

Description de taches

CRS/Haiti seeks expressions of interest from experienced communications professionals operating in Haiti to advise on a learning program for CRS staff to build their capacities in communications. This consultancy will serve to facilitate the development, planning and execution of communications and marketing training for staff within the Haiti country program.

Objectives of the Communications Learning Plan:
1. Program staff understands their role as brand ambassadors for CRS and are able to present their work in an effective and meaningful way in a variety of contexts
2. Program staff is equipped to develop and implement an actionable communications plan for their program
3. Staff is able to identify positioning and marketing opportunities within their programs
4. Field staff are able to identify and tell the stories of their work and the experience of program participants in a way that connects with readers and has an impact
5. Staff are equipped to take photos that tell the story of CRS’ work and can be used in print and online media

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

CRS/Haiti is working to create an organizational culture that values, understands and carries out meaningful communications with stakeholders in various sectors. In conjunction with the introduction of a global brand and strategy for CRS International, the Haiti program seeks to ensure that its staff members are equipped to be effective brand ambassadors. CRS has a full time Communications Officer who will coordinate the communications learning program for staff and will follow-up and reinforce key learning. CRS now seeks a communications consultant to work with the Communications Officer to design and roll-out an effective learning agenda

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Remarques contact

For questions, please email with the understanding that answers to questions will be shared widely among all potential candidates

Autres remarques

Interested and qualified candidates should provide a letter of interest, no more than 3 pages, in business English detailing the following: 1) company profile, 2) relevant experience developing and/or providing training to organizations in the communications topics outlined above, 3) brief explanation of how you would approach this consultancy (methodology, timeframe, etc.).
CRS will organize interviews with candidates whose Expression of Interest statement is compelling. After interviews, CRS will develop a detailed Scope of Work and financial ceiling for services that will be completed through a selective bidding process. This Expression of Interest statement and interview process is your opportunity to influence the direction of the forthcoming bid and to be short-listed for the selective bidding process