Design and implement innovative solar power solutions at HRC Central Office CompoundpourCroix Rouge Americaine|

The American Red Cross (ARC) is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to source a contractor/firm to work directly with the Haitian Red Cross for the design, fabrication, delivery, installation, and maintenance of solar power system/s for the HRC Central office compound.

Description de taches

Design/engineer the solar power system to maximize the solar energy resources, taking into consideration the HRC’s electrical demand and load patterns, proposed installation site, available solar power resources, existing site conditions, proposed future site improvements, and other relevant factors.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• Established and registered company in Haiti
• Representative of solar power solution products
• Experience designing, installing and maintaining solar power solutions for households and businesses
• Experience with local government and development organization in relation to solar projects.

Remarques contact

Please request RFP Instructions and Scope of Works by email from: (copy to: later than 25 February 2015, 16:00 AM EST