Objective Observer - Finance CarbonepourPalmis Eneji| JobPaw.com

Founded in 1998, Entrepreneurs du Monde is a French association of gener¬al interest, certified by the Committee of the Charter for Trust in Fundraising. It is composed of professionals, employ¬ees and volunteers based in France and on the ground.
Entrepreneurs du Monde allows thou¬sands of women and men living in very difficult circumstances to improve their living conditions.
Entrepreneurs du Monde makes it easi¬er for them to access products offering significant health, economic and envi¬ronmental benefits. With this support, the beneficiaries achieve success and gain autonomy and dignity.
In Haiti, Entrepreneurs du Monde has developed a SOCIAL BUSINESS to encour-age the distribution of products offer¬ing significant health, economic and en-vironmental benefits: gas stoves and improved wood or charcoal cook stoves, solar-powered lamps. The name of the business is PALMIS Enèji.

Palmis Enèji, founded in December 2012 hopes to make clean, modern and economical energy available to all. To this end, Palmis Enèji functions as a franchised business for the distri¬bution of improved stoves, LPG stoves and solar lamps. It works on two fronts, through: - franchised shop¬keepers, focusing on three areas: economics (diversification of busi¬ness, inventory finance, negotiation of purchase pricing); training (technical, management, and marketing); com¬munication (advertising, marketing); - families, in two further fields: promo¬tion (public demonstration events, information campaigns etc.); specific micro-loans.

Within its activities, PALMIS Enèji has developed a finance carbon project through the GOLD STANDARD process. It is a ‘microscale’ project focusing only on LPG cookstove in the Port-au-Prince area.

Description de taches

The Objective Observer (OO) is an expert solicited by the GOLD STANDARD (GS) to carry out an evaluation and validate the different reports edited by our field team for the GS.
The OO will have to check the LSC (Local Stakeholder Consultation) reporting and the SFR (Stakeholder Feedback Round).
It is not compulsory to get experience with the GOLD STANDARD process to be the OO.

1. Preparation : Reports reviewed (LSC and SFR)

2. Field visit : Interviews of different stakeholders and field observations

3. Redaction of the Appraisal Report

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• Fluent in English
• Excellent knowledge of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area.
• Expertise with LPG and/or cookstove

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Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Autres remarques

Duration: The mission lasts 4 days but can be adapted to the context and the requests from the GS. Then, the OO gets 1-3 weeks to provide the final report to the GS.

Remuneration: The GS will pay the OO. The amount will be negotiated between the GS and the OO.