Consultant Scope of Work (SOW)<br /> Mental Health Services in Haiti<br /> pourCatholic Relief Services|


The purpose of this SOW is to describe the responsibilities of a consultant to assist CRS in the organization’s efforts to conduct a mapping and assessment of the mental health organizations, professional providers (e.g. psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, counselor, etc) and services that are available for children, caretakers and families in Haiti. This assessment aims to:
• Document the programs that exist in Haiti with mental health services
• Highlight the different levels of mental health expertise or education to provide mental health services,
• Give an overview of where mental health professionals in Haiti are trained and the types of mental health professional educational programs exist
• To share the location and costs of mental health services available
• To gather information allowing others to identify gaps.


CRS is looking to develop an online directory of up to date information of mental health resources and services in Haiti. The directory will be produced in collaboration with the Institut du Bien-Etre Social et de Recherches (IBESR), the government body responsible for the coordination and oversight of the social welfare of vulnerable populations including children and their families. This consultancy supports activities that aim to create and catalogue the location and description of professional mental health and social services opportunities and providers in Haiti for children, their caretakers and families. The information will support a project that CRS and IBESR are doing together. This project will produce a website, which will show a map of various types of services for vulnerable children and families along with details on what those services are. This mapping could potentially benefit government and nongovernment agencies by identifying gaps in geographical and/or target group coverage, service provisions, human resources, and technical expertise. The directory will also be available to organizations and donors to plan for future programming or to refer vulnerable children or families as well.

Consultancy Objectives
a. To identify and profile a broad range of mental health services and professional providers at different levels of the mental health pyramid in Haiti’s 10 departments (Basic Services and Security, Community and Family Supports, Focused Non-Specialized Supports, Specialized Services) starting in the West Department
b. To provide recommendations on how to share and continue to update this information on the website

Description de taches

In close collaboration with CRS Health and MEAL staff, the consultant will be responsible for the following activities:
• Participate in regular meetings with CRS staff (Health and MEAL teams).
• A desktop review to include visiting websites or reviewing project documents.
• Calling organizations or locations where services are provided to get additional information. It may even include meeting with an individual if they are close in proximity.
• To identify and document education programs for mental health professionals in Haiti
• Meet with professors of social work department at Human Sciences University. Introduce relevant CRS staff to key individuals at the social work department and university.
• Draft a list of questions to outline what types of information should be collected at service provider locations for the website
• Document the mental health services and types of professional providers available for vulnerable children, caretakers and families in Haiti
• Based on the assessment findings, provide comprehensive report with clear recommendations for addressing the needs to strengthen the mental health services for children, caregivers and families in Haiti.
• Travel around Haiti as applicable

a. Provide additional questions for existing questionnaire prepared by CRS MEAL (Monitoring and Evaluation) team.
b. Provide document on existing mental health services, professional providers and available educational programs for mental health professionals.
c. Provide final report with recommendations.

The contract of the assignment

Contract duration to be 15 days of activity, one part of the days (10 to 12) will spend to perform some of the activities described above and the other part (3 to 5) days will spend to provide report and recommendations after the data analysis of findings from the assessment due to questions provided by the consultant.

Reporting line

The Consultant will report directly to the Vulnerable Children Program Manager within CRS Haiti office.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Qualifications and Competencies

• Relevant Master’s degree in social work, psychology, or related technical field.
• At least 5 years of experience in the area of mental health systems
• Demonstrate expertise and experience on mental health
• Excellent writing and critical thinking skills
• A working knowledge of the educational programs for mental health professionals in Haiti
• A working knowledge of available services in Haiti around mental health
• The ability to communicate effectively and network with various individuals and organizations to find out what exists in Haiti around mental health services, especially those for vulnerable children and their families
• Proven experience in conducting assignments in complex environments.
• Strong knowledge of Haiti
• Fluent French and English proficiency
• Familiarity with existing projects on mental health services for vulnerable children

Envoyer le pli à

Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s sont priés d’acheminer leur dossier complet (CV, lettre de motivation, proposition techniques et financière, pièce d’identification, Patente, 3 références employeurs) avec le nom du poste à l’adresse suivante : e-mail le 07 Septembre 2014 au plus tard.

Ouverture de pli

08/09/2014 à 08:00

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Consultancy Materials
All material produced as a result of this consultancy will remain the intellectual property of CRS. They may be used or reproduced only with prior agreement from CRS and may not be used for profit at any time.

Full payment of _______ will be remitted to consultant upon receipt and approval of deliverables and an invoice detailing the work performed.