Messenger ServicespourCroix Rouge Americaine|

In order to facilitate the delivery and pick up of American Red Cross (ARC) office documents and lightweight materials in the metropolitan area, ARC seeks an experienced courier company to provide its services on motorcycle.
This Company will be contracted for duration of (6) six months upon request.

Description de taches

• Delivery and pick up of office documents (Main office, LAMIKA and Suppliers).
• Delivery and pick up of quotations, purchase order etc. to suppliers
• Delivery of checks to suppliers.
• Pick up of light items from the suppliers or the warehouse to the offices.

• Acknowledgement receipts for each delivery and pick up of documents.
• Signed and stamped receipts, for check deliveries (a stamped receipt for Companies or signed receipt for individuals).
• Good Receive Note or Good Delivery Note for delivery and pick up of warehouse materials.
• Submission of a detailed delivery and pick up report on a monthly basis.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• The courier Company must be registered with the proper authorities.
• The Courier Company must have experience in similar services with other NGOs, local government or other.
• Courier agents must be fully insured.
• Courier agent must an experience motorcycle driver.
• Courier agent must have a minimum knowledge and experience in administration.
• Courier agent must have a good knowledge of the metropolitan area.

Envoyer le pli à

• The offers should be submitted no later than March 28th, 2014 by 5:00pm in a sealed envelope to American Red Cross office located at 22 Rue Metellus, Petion-Ville.
• The offer must have: Daily rates, presentation of the Company, reference of similar services, a copy of business registration.
• For any additional information concerning this offer, please contact the American Red Cross Procurement Department at:

Remarques contact

• The courier company must be available to send an agent on call for a full day’s work (8 hours, from 8:00am to 5:00pm with 1hr lunch).
• The courier agent must use company confidentiality.