Consultancy to carry out a Donor Scan/Analysis in HaitipourPlan International-Haiti|

Plan is an international organization working in 70 countries worldwide. In Latin America and the Caribbean, it is present in 12 countries (Regional Office of America - ROA) including Haiti.
Plan Haiti is an international humanitarian Child-Centered community development NGO, with no political, religious, political or governmental affiliation whose vision is of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity.

The strategic framework for the period 2013-2017 that has been approved is defined around four country programs:
1) A good and healthy start to life, (€12 Millions);
2) Quality Primary Education for all (€12 Millions);
3) Life and Livelihood Skills and Opportunities for Adolescents and Youth (€3.5 Millions);
4) Protection, Participation and Governance (€7.5 Millions);
The implementation of this five-year program relies heavily on the ability of Plan Haiti’s to mobilize necessary resources to finance proposed projects and activities. Also, Plan Haiti is seeking to hire the services of an experienced consultancy group or individual to carry out a thorough donor mapping and scan in Haiti on real opportunities for local resource mobilization over the next four years.
As part of its efforts to complete its Resource mobilization Plan and develop an action plan that is aligned with the 8 Impact Areas defined by Plan at global level within the framework of the child-centred community development approach (right to a healthy start in life, right to sexual and reproductive health including HIV prevention care and treatment, right to education, right to water and improved sanitation, right to economic security, right to protection from all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence, right to participate as citizens, right to protection and assistance in emergencies and improved resilience to natural and man-made hazards), Plan Haiti needs to develop a better understanding of funding opportunities, the change in the interests of donors and competitor environment at local level.

Description de taches

Provide strategic information and advice regarding possible major potential local donors in relation with Plan’s Programme Areas.
 Identify major local and international sources of donations in the country and what are the capacities needed to meet their requirements in term of proposal submission, implementation, monitoring, reporting and finance, etc...
 Determine the trend of the contribution of donors during the last five years (having a link with the development of the child)
 Analyze existing funding opportunities that can contribute to the achievement of the full rights of Haitian children over the next five years and to what instance we can influence the agenda of the donors through a advocacy process.
 Identify the main challenges in terms of access to funding opportunities in Haiti either from private enterprise, corporate, foundation and Bi and Multilateral institution sources.
 Identify major local and international sources of donations for Haiti in the last 5 years by thematic ( with a link to the child development) ;

 Identify diverse sources of funding and donor characteristics (donation records, timetable, program interests, etc) for Haiti or where its exist overlapping for each impact area.

 Consultant shall elaborate donor’s profiles of former, new and current donors by collating the following information:

- Name of the Donor, Type of organization, Level of presence around the world, Headquarter office [Address, telephone, e-mail, website, linked in, twitter, facebook, RSS, mail for subscribing to newsletter, Type of actor (current or potential), any additional information if any] (mandatory)
- Communication channel and focal point for with the local delegation/representative.
- Supported Thematic and key focal point (mandatory)
- Amounts of funding ranges
- Pipeline of grant calls bidding divided by program areas
- Period of notice of calls for proposals and implementation of grants
- Eligibility of Haiti (mandatory)
- Eligibility criteria (local NGOs and/or international NGOs) (mandatory)

 Plan Haiti will previously approve the questionnaire to be used as a tool to obtain above detailed information (this information should be acquired through either: face to face, Phone, Skype, email or survey Monkey.

 Plan Haiti will provide a list of its major donors in Haiti. This list shall be included in the analysis of the consultant or the consulting company as part of the background information. It is expected that the selected consultancy group/firm could complement this list with other potential donors according to their experience.

 Will be considered as potential donors for Plan Haiti: Bilateral Donors, Multilateral Donors (International Donor plus other OCDE donors or International Regional Bodies (World Bank, IADB, CAF, NZAID, ICDF, AGCI, AMEXCID, etc.), Institutional Donors, Private Foundations (individual and/or corporate) and local bodies from Governments at different levels.

 The consultant or the consulting company will identify at least 30 new sources of funding (current ones must be included but not in the list Plan Haiti will provide) for Plan Haiti whose average grants in amounts will be not less than US$ 100,000.

 The consultant is expected to provide an scan report with the following information:

a) Local & regional donors
• Current donors
- Who are the major donors (local and international) in Haiti? (rank them)
- Of each of these donors, what is their current focus? (e.g. which of the 8 thematic impact areas, target groups etc)
- Informally/anecdotally, for each of these donors what will their focus be in the future?
- Formally (e.g. through published information), for each of these local donors what will their focus be in the future?
b) Future/potential donors
- Identification of potential local donors (both at country and regional levels), either: a) donors that we currently do not receive funding from but we are targeting for the future, or b) that are minor donors now but we are trying to grow into being major donors? (rank them)
- Of each of these potential donors, what is their focus currently? (e.g. which of the 8 thematic impact areas, target groups etc)
- What is the “value orientation” of the funding stream (e.g. is it rights-based, is it MDG-oriented, is it service delivery oriented?)
- What are the funding opportunities for global strategic priorities?
- Informally/anecdotally, for each of these potential donors what will their focus be in the future (including value orientation as described above)?
- Formally (e.g. through published information), for each of these potential donors what will their focus be in the future (including value orientation)?
- What are donors trends regarding other major issues that might not be clearly in the 8 impact areas but likely to dominate the funding scene in the future (peace & security, climate change?)
- How could Plan Haiti access this type of funding (process for pursuing these opportunities and potential barriers)
Plan Haiti can give a template as reference of what it is expected.
At the end of the study, the consultant must provide:
• Identification diverse sources of funding and donor characteristics (donation records, timetable, program interests, etc) in Haiti.
• The situation of local investments in Haiti for the past five (5) years, by donor, as well as international NGOs;
• The estimated funding available to Haiti during the coming five (5) years in connection with the main programs of Plan Haiti ‘s five year strategic plan;
• A participatory SWOT analysis identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may affect the environment of resource mobilization in Haiti
• A proposal for an action plan to implement the identified funding opportunities
• A monitoring / evaluation system with clearly defined indicators

To conduct the research, the consultant or consulting company will have to conduct documentary research (electronic information) and telephone interviews with potential donors. May consider specific visits to donors’ office where it considers it is highly necessary.
The consultant may mention that the research work is being hired by an international organization, but it may not mention Plan as a contractor. The consultant will maintain absolute confidentiality about the client who hired the consulting.
The tools that the consultant intends to use (surveys, interviews, or other) must be detailed in the proposal and must be validated by the deputy Country Director of Plan Haiti. This proposal will include a detailed timetable and stages of the consultation including the production of the first stage report.
• The product of the investigation shall be submitted in both hard and digital copy in French and English.
• Digital information must be submitted in a way that makes possible the analysis of various fields as required: departments, donor funding areas, etc. (e.g., Access/Excel format). The consultant or the consulting company will analyze the best way to present electronic information, which should be detailed in the proposal or Plan Haiti can suggest a template.
• All documents produced and information collected will become property of Plan Haiti.

The consulting company is expected to:
a. Have proven experience in studies of funding sources.
b. Have the ability to meet all the objectives of the consultancy.
c. Share with Plan the instruments used in the research and integrate their recommendations into intermediate or final products produced by the consultancy.
d. Keep the dates specified in the proposed work plan and accepted by Plan.
e. Maintain confidentiality of the documents information, which are property of Plan and therefore should not be used without Plan’s authorization.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• Master Studies in International Relations, International Cooperation for Development, economic, or similar
• Fundraising experience of at least 5 years. To have experience from non-institutional donors is desirable.
• Proficiency in French and English. Haitian Creole language skills are desirable.
• Institutional analysis of donor organizations
• Procedures of NGOs and INGOs
• Working experience with potential donors including bilateral and multilateral donors in the region and in Haiti
• Have at least 5 years experience in conducting this type of study and practice of resource mobilization
• Experience in obtaining grant funds
• Punctuality
• Good organization capacity
• Work Methodology with clear indication of phases and implementation method.
• Technical proposal must contain:
a) Name of the company or individual, address, NIT, telephone, e-mail, legal representative if applicable.
b) Responsible for the project, name, title, address, telephone, e-mail.
c) CVs of professional/s to carry over the process.
d) Total cost, specifying costs for categories / components.
e) Company Background.
f) Evidence of experience in similar or related projects.
g) Schedule of activities
h) 2 letters of reference for similar consultancies that have been developed over the past 3 years.
i) The consultant may improve the proposal set forth in these Terms of Reference in order to enrich the process and the final product.
.The costs must be submitted in phases according to the timetable presented, specifying fees, stationery costs, electronic equipment use, transportation, logistics and other costs.

Envoyer le pli à

Responding consultants shall prepare and submit by January 14th 2013 the latest a financial and technical proposal to 7, Impasse Borno, Rue Catalpa, Delmas 75, P-au-P, Haiti or including:
• A description of the proposed research methodology
• A proposed work calendar
• A detailed budget
• A CV of consultants/researchers carrying out the research
• Two references of previous clients

Remarques contact

The product of the investigation shall be submitted in both hard and digital copy in French and English.
• Digital information must be submitted in a way that makes possible the analysis of various fields as required: departments, donor funding areas, etc. (e.g., Access/Excel format). The consultant or the consulting company will analyze the best way to present electronic information, which should be detailed in the proposal or Plan Haiti can suggest a template.
• All documents produced and information collected will become property of Plan Haiti.

The consulting company is expected to:
a. Have proven experience in studies of funding sources.
b. Have the ability to meet all the objectives of the consultancy.
c. Share with Plan the instruments used in the research and integrate their recommendations into intermediate or final products produced by the consultancy.
d. Keep the dates specified in the proposed work plan and accepted by Plan.
e. Maintain confidentiality of the documents information, which are property of Plan and therefore should not be used without Plan’s authorization.

Autres remarques

• The proposals must be submitted strictly in electronic format with the identification of the consultant or consultancy company, including all technical and economic information required.
• The financial offer must be presented in U.S. dollars.
• Will not be accepted proposals submitted after the date and time of delivery established.
• The validity of the proposal should not be less than 30 days.
• It is necessary to sign a Contract for Professional Services, which lists all the commitments acquired by Plan Haiti and the Consultant or consultancy company. If the later fails to comply with any provision agreed in the contract, especially with regard to the expected product quality, Plan reserves the right to block payments to the consultant, up to remedying violations incurred on his/her part.
• Bill to: Plan Haiti
• The selected consultant or Consultancy Company is subject to verification of expenses or audits of the cooperating.
• In responding to this process, the provider acknowledges and agrees as follows:
a) This request for proposal does not commit Plan Haiti to enter into a contract or agreement for professional services with any vendor who responds to this request.
b) Plan Haiti will not reimburse responders for costs associated with preparing a response to this request or any activity subsequent to this request for proposal.
c) This request for proposal and all responses and any other additional communication, documentation, data, etc., related to this request for proposal become the exclusive property of Plan Haiti,
d) All materials submitted in response to this request for proposal becomes the property of Plan Haiti, and will not be returned.
e) Plan Haiti reserves the right to renounce any or all recruitment formalities and to reject any or all proposals submitted.
f) Plan Haiti is not bound to accept the lowest bid or any proposal for this work and will have the right to seek new bids or revisions in whole or in part if deemed necessary.
g) All information contained in this document (and any other communication, documentation, data, etc., related to this process) should be considered proprietary and confidential. This information will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason without the specific written consent / approval of Plan Haiti, all information received from the provider will be considered as confidential. The receipt of this request for proposal and the information contained in it may not be copied or disclosed to anyone not part of this process.
h) The modality by which the recruitment is done is a short-term contract.
The work will extend over a period of five (8) weeks from the date of signature of the contract; this period includes the submission of the preliminary report.
It is understood and agreed that the Consultant/consultancy Company shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Plan Haiti, any information obtained in the course of the performance of the Contract.
Information will be made available for the consultants on a need to know basis. Field visits will be facilitated by Plan’s staff or delegation.
The selected consultant will commit to respect Plan’s Child Protection Policy to prevent any harm from participating children and youth.
References will be taken and background and anti-terrorism checks will be carried out in conformity with Plan’s Child Protection Policy.