CRS - Mid-term evaluation to investigate the quality of project inputs, implementation and deliverypourCatholic Relief Services - Achats|

The mid-term evaluation aims to investigate the quality of project inputs, implementation, and delivery while considering contextual change that may have occurred since the inception. The key users of the evaluation results are the project implementation partner and BHA. The results will be chiefly used for learning, operational planning, adaptive management, and decision making.

Description de taches

The mid-term evaluation aims to investigate the quality of project inputs, implementation, and delivery while considering contextual change that may have occurred since the inception. The key users of the evaluation results are the project implementation partner and BHA. The results will be chiefly used for learning, operational planning, adaptive management, and decision making.
Objective 1: Assess the quality of project inputs, implementation, and outputs.
Evaluation question: To what extent has each intervention adhered to the initial technical standards, approach, implementation plan, outputs, and participant targets included in the initial technical narrative?
- How well have the interventions met planned schedules and outputs? What are the main successes and challenges encountered during the implementation process, and how were the challenges managed by the consortium?
- To what extent did project activities meet the needs of the participants? To what extent did the activity achieve its intended behavior change outcomes in households?
Objective 2: Identify strengths of and challenges, factors that enhance or detract from the quality, acceptability, and effectiveness of the implemented interventions.
Evaluation questions: What are the strengths of and challenges to the selected intervention implementation so far? What factors promoted or inhibited adherence to the quality implementation of the intervention? What is the impact of insecurity, governance disruption, gas shortage, and migration on the quality and effectiveness of project implementation? what have those impacts been and how have they influenced intended program results?
Objective 3: Provide recommendations to enhance program quality.
Evaluation questions: Based on the findings, how could the activity be adjusted to improve its acceptability and effectiveness?
- How effectively does it address key factors contributing to resilience, and what recommendations can be provided to enhance its capacity to build resilience within the target communities?

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