Community Research MirebalaispourFondasyon Kole Zepol|

The Fonkoze family is exploring the possibility of extending its activities in the area of Boyer in the
commune of Mirebalais.
To inform its decision on whether this extension is feasible or not, and the extent and the type of activity
it could seek to implement in the area, and to identify potential partners, Fonkoze needs more
information about the community, its social dynamics and its resources, its needs and the barriers they
are facing.
To obtain that information, Fonkoze is looking to hire a consultant or a firm. This document describes
the terms of reference.
The objective of the consultancy is to obtain information on the social and economic opportunities and
challenges of the community in Boyer, commune of Mirebalais

Description de taches

Specific results expected from the consultancy
Fonkoze expects to obtain information on the following:
- Social and economic resources, main value chains, value chain stakeholders, their main
successes and challenges,
- Social and political stakeholders in the area and evaluation of their relationships, conflicts and
- Main churches and social organizations in the area and their activities,
- Land ownership in the area and how it is evolving. Trend in land occupancy in the area.
- Analysis of the community: profile of the inhabitants, economic activities, expectations and
- Identify the main sources of livelihood and communities with high economic potential.
- Ideas for income-generating activities that could be successfully run from a facility that would be
built in the area. For this, the consultant should also consider opportunities in the surrounding
These results will be presented in a draft report which will be presented to and discussed with
representatives of the Fonkoze Family prior to finalization.
The consultant(s) will obtain this information through secondary documentation (existing grey and
published literature, mining of databases and public statistics when available, reports of projects
implemented in the area, etc.), interviews with key informers (including the mayor and other local
authorities, representatives of Summit, Zanmi Lasante, Zanmi Agrikol and other major economic and
social stakeholders in the Mirebalais area), focus groups with community members.
The consultant(s) will submit to Fonkoze data collection tool and methodology used in the
implementation of work.
Throughout their interaction with the informers and the population, the consultants will be very careful
not to create any expectation nor promise any direct benefit from their collaboration in this survey. The
way the consultants present their work to the informants will be discussed with Fonkoze prior to the
start of the intervention.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Profile of the consultants or consultant group
The consultant (group) will have at least 10 years of experience conducting field research in Haiti. In
addition, they will demonstrate access to expertise in economic development and agriculture, sociology
and community dynamics. The consultant or the firm will provide reference from previous work and a
sample of report.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Proposal submission
Tenders must include a technical proposal describing the experience of key consultants and/or firm in
performing this kind of research, and the methodology the consultants propose to use as well as the
proposed timeline. The consultants will also include a detailed financial proposal.
The technical and financial proposals should be submited no later than August 18, 2023 to the following
address: fkzprocurement@fonkoze.or