For Supplier Prequalification for Housing Repair and Modernization Works in the South Region - HT3916pourCatholic Relief Services|

I. Context
Catholic Relief Services - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (CRS) is an international
nongovernmental organization that supports relief and development work in more than 99 countries
around the world. CRS programs help people based on need, regardless of creed, ethnicity, or
Thus, as part of the project execution of the Repair and Modernization of Eight Hundred (800)
partially damaged dwellings in the communes of Camperin, Cavaillon, Corail and Plaisance in the
South region, CRS is looking for a company / firm in the field of construction to undertake this work.
II. Objective of the expression of interest:
This notice of call for expression of interest is for the prequalification of construction company or
firm having the status of companies in the field of construction in Haiti to participate in the selection
process for the realization of this work.

Description de taches

Termes and conditions
This is a request for proposal only. The publication of this expression of interest does not create an
obligation on the part of CRS to pay any costs incurred by the potential proposers in the preparation
of their tender dossier.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

IV. Eligibility conditions and file to be provided.
The following potential service providers cannot respond to this request for proposal:
• Natural or legal persons declared bankrupt.
• Legal entities in the process of liquidating their assets.
• Natural or legal persons subject to receivership, unless they can prove that they have been
legally authorized to continue their activities.
• Individuals or legal entities under investigation or subject to temporary or permanent
exclusion from contracts funded by USAID, UN agencies, the European Union or any bilateral
cooperation agency (for example, DFID);
• Any company in arrears with the payment of its taxes and duties.
• Any service provider and its subcontractors associated or involved in any way whatsoever,
directly or indirectly, in the design, preparation of the terms of reference and/or other
documents used in the context of this call for tenders.
• Any contractor associated with terrorism whose name appears on the list published by the
European Union, the United States government and the UN Security Council to identify
individuals and organizations considered to be associated with terrorism;

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Submission of proposals
The files including all the documents requested, below, must be sent ONLY by e-mail to the e-mail
address: Haiti Procurement ( Bids) , bearing the email title: “ EOI HT3916 related
to the Proposed Repair and Retrofit of Partially Damaged Shelter ”.
The deadline for submitting pre-qualification files is June 23, 2023, before 12:00 PM.
It should be noted that, the shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in the bidding process
once the technical documents are ready no later than July 31, 2023.