Market System Developmen/ Resilience Indicators pourDAI-HRASA|

The Feed the Future Haiti Resilience and Agriculture Sector Advancement (HRASA) Activity is a five-year United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded project implemented by DAI Global, LLC (DAI) in association with Haitian partner institutions AgriDev S.A., Papyrus S.A., and Quisqueya University. The program seeks to increase individual, household, and community resilience through strengthened, well-functioning, and inclusive market systems. HRASA’s activities are centered in two Resilience Focus Zones (RFZ)—one in the North/North-East/Central Plateau region and the other in the Southern Les Cayes region—and cover a total of 32 communes.

Description de taches

1) Prepare inception report; develop and refine the MSR index, along with methodology for implementation

2) Deliver a two-day remote training on MSD/R to HRASA staff

3) Deliver remote training on MSD/R to Haitian baseline firm

4) Analyze and draft report on the baseline data provided by the Haitian baseline firm

5) Final report and PPP

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

HRASA is seeking the service of a professional firm experienced in Market System Development/Resilience (MSD/R) related indicators, baselines, data collection and evaluation. The Contractor will assist HRASA in the establishment of market system development baseline indicators by providing: (1) a review of the HRASA suggested indicators and providing suggestions; (2) remote training to a HRASA selected Haitian company carrying out the field data collection; (3) analyzing the data collected; (4) providing results and recommendations on the baseline and on mid-line and endline surveys; and (5) remote training to HRASA technical staff on MSD/R related indicators and analysis.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Haiti Resilience & Agriculture Sector Advancement (HRASA)
c/o DAI Global, LLC
44, Rue des Antilles, Pipo Ville, Mombin Lataille, Cap-Haitien

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Ajout de la page 21 en date du 14 juillet 2023. Elle contient des réponses à la deuxième liste de questions reçues.