M&E Consultant Position pourFHI360 - EpiC Project| JobPaw.com

FHI360 an American NGO operating in Haiti is seeking to hire a Consultant in Monitoring and Evaluation for its two projects in Haiti. Currently FHI 36o is implementing two projects the EpiC project and EGHS. The EpiC projects is designed to provide logistical support to the MOH to improve community awareness and covid-19 vaccine coverage in the southern region of Haiti, provide capacity building to health care providers through trainings for appropriate administration of medical oxygen to patients, and optimization of oxygen production through maintenance, repair, and installation of oxygen generation equipment. The latter project focusses on laboratory surveillance of malaria across the country in collaboration with the LNSP (Laboratoire National de Sante Publique).

Description de taches

This position will be a part-time position and will report to the FHI360 Program Manager and will be part of the Haiti program and technical team.
Primary responsibilities
1. Create registers to help collect granular-level data to allow reporting on USAID Covid-19 indicators approved for the EpiC project.
2. Develop, review, and adjust a list of process and outcome indicators to capture and represent the activities implemented that are not covered by formal USAID Covid-19 indicators.
3. Explain and or develop operational definitions for USAID Covid-19 indicators and provide coaching if coaching for their full understanding by the programmatic staff.
4. Provide coaching to the field staff on data collection, data reporting, data analysis and data interpretation for better program planning and program improvement.
5. Use data and program reports from satellite offices and sub-awardees to prepare advanced and self-explanatory reports to show trends, progress, and achievement levels toward program goals and targets.
6. Interact with the M&E team at the HQ level to respond adequately to requests from USAID, the MOH and any relevant stake holders.
7. Participate in any effort or brainstorming by the program team to improve or revise the MER component of the EpiC and EGHS project.
8. Conduct regular data verification and data validation to ensure that data reported by FHI360 are accurate and in alignment with the USAID and MOH MER-related requirements.
9. Participate on the behest of FHI360 Haiti office in meetings with HQ, USAID, CDC, the MOH, and other relevant stakeholders.
10. Prepare PowerPoint presentation to show the progress and trends of the different FHI360 project components on a monthly basis and during quarterly performance review.
11. Make reminders and regular follow-up with the field satellite offices and sub-partners to submit their agreed-upon reports on time.
12. Make on-site field visits, if necessary, to conduct DQA on vaccination data, oxygen ecosystem data and Clinical TA data.
13. Provide training to the staff on data mining, data presentation and data analysis.
14. Know how to design and conduct basic research using the program data.
15. Know how to navigate websites and information technology to showcase program data and program results.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

? Having worked for at least five years as a M&E manager for a public health- focused program
? Having critical thinking and strategic-thinking skills and being able to capture the big picture quickly.
? Being a native creole-speaker and being fluent both in French and English
? Having a master’s degree in statistic’s, economics, engineering, or any other related fields
? Being able to work in a culturally diverse and multigenerational work environment.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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Autres remarques

Documentation required :
• Curriculum Vitae
• Cover letter
Online application only, with the job title in the subject line of the email. Only pre-selected candidates meeting the desired profile will be contacted for the rest of the process.