Transportation for Health Commodity Services (rappel de la conference des soumissionaires du 04 Avril 2023) pourChemonics / GHSC-PSM|

Chemonics, under U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM), single award indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract number AID-OAA-I-15-00004, is soliciting offers from companies and organizations to submit proposals to provide transportation services for health commodities throughout Haiti More information on the purpose of GHSC-PSM, its operations in country, and specifics of the services being requested can be found in Section II Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Reports.

Offerors are invited to submit proposals in response to this RFP in accordance with Section I Instructions to Offerors, which will not be part of the subcontract. The instructions are intended to assist interested Offerors in the preparation of their offer. Any resulting subcontract will be guided by Section II and III.

Chemonics anticipates issuing an award to one or multiple offerors who provide the best and most comprehensive solution to the scope of work for a reasonable cost. The award will be in the form of one or multiple Indefinite Quantity Subcontracts (IQS) under which firm fixed price Sub-Task Orders (STOs) may, at Chemonics’ sole discretion, be issued to either a single IQS holder or multiple IQS-holders to procure distribution services. The successful Offeror(s) shall be required to adhere to the statement of work and terms and conditions of the IQS, which are incorporated in Section II Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables and Reports, and Section III Indefinite Quantity Subcontract.

The time period for the delivery of distribution services will be one year, approximately from June 1, 2023 to November 2024. Chemonics may choose to extend the time period at its sole discretion. The IQS will establish prices per volume for different regions provided in Annex 2 Guide to Creating Cost Proposal and Establishing Prices. For more information on pricing and how it will be included in STOs, refer to section
I.4.B.3 Cost Proposal.

During the IQS time period, Chemonics intends to issue STOs to multiple vendors based on a combination of factors, including, Chemonics’ judgement of the most advantageous price(s) offered by the IQS- holder(s). To award an STO, Chemonics will provide a distribution plan to IQS-holder(s) and will use established pricing cubic meters based on the geographical regions for the delivery as indicated in the IQS. Other STO evaluation considerations may include the need for expeditious delivery; the offeror’s capacity to handle Chemonics’ requested workload; the reliability and trustworthiness of the offerors’ performance; past performance references; expertise in scope of work; unforeseen environmental factors that may affect delivery; force majeure factors; directions from Chemonics’ client(s); compelling host-government or beneficiary considerations; and/or any number of other USAID and/or prime contract considerations.

This RFP does not obligate Chemonics to execute a subcontract nor does it commit Chemonics to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals. Furthermore, Chemonics reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of Chemonics.

Unless otherwise stated, the periods named in the RFP shall be consecutive calendar days.

Description de taches

The purpose of the final awarded subcontract(s) is to engage the successful offeror(s) as part of a pool of
pre-qualified subcontractors to provide services to GHSC-PSM for the handling, transportation and
distribution of cold chain and non-cold chain pharmaceutical and health care products to some or all the
health facilities within the SDPs identified by GHSC-PSM in Haiti. The selected subcontractor(s) will
implement and follow World Health Organization (WHO) good distribution practices relevant to handling,
transportation, distribution, and general organizational management.(For additional information, please refer to the RFP at the Scope of Work section II.2)

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Chemonics anticipates issuing multiple subcontracts to several Haitian company or organization, provided it is legally registered and recognized under the laws of Haiti and is in compliance with all applicable civil, fiscal, and other applicable regulations. Such a company or organization could include a private firm, non-

profit, or civil society organization. Companies and organizations that submit proposals in response to this RFP must meet the following requirements:

(i) Companies or organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, must be legally registered under the laws of Haiti upon award of the subcontract.
(ii) Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including non-profit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible as suppliers of commodities and services.
(iii) Companies or organizations must have a local presence in Haiti at the time the subcontract is signed.
(iv) Companies or organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, shall be requested to provide a UEI number if selected to receive a subaward valued at USD $30,000 or more, unless exempted in accordance with information certified in the Evidence of Responsibility form included in the required certifications in Annex 3.1

Offerors may present their proposals as a member of a partnership with other companies or organizations. In such cases, the subcontract will be awarded to the lead company in the partnership. The leading company shall be responsible for compliance with all subcontract terms and conditions and making all partnership arrangements, including but not limited to division of labor, invoicing, etc., with the other company(ies). A legally registered partnership is not necessary for these purposes; however, the different organizations must be committed to work together in the fulfillment of the subcontract terms.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Autres remarques

Pour donner suite à notre publication en date du 23 mars dernier, nous tenons à vous rappeler que la conférence des soumissionnaires est prévue pour le mardi 04 avril 2023 @ 10 :00 Am au bureau de Chemonics sise au 118, Warehouse, Airport Industrial Park Fleuriot. Merci de nous faire parvenir votre confirmation à l'adresse électronique suivante

A noter que la conférence se déroulera également via Teams en ligne pour les personnes qui ne peuvent pas être physiquement présentes et que le lien sera seulement envoyé à ceux qui auront confirmé leur participation via courrier électronique à l’adresse mentionne ci-dessus.
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