Tender is to contract a service for the programming of and providing technical support to a website for the projectpourWeltHungerHilfe (Agro Action Allemande)| JobPaw.com

Terms and Definitions used in this tender
The following terms and definitions are used in the documentation of this tender and if any term or definition is not defined here potential tenderers are welcomed to contact Welthungerhilfe’s contact point for this tender for obtaining any necessary clarification:
Tenderer - any professionally qualified firm or individual that is interested in participating in this tender and intends to submit a proposal.
Contracting Authority - the legal entity that publishes, evaluates, awards and signs the contract on behalf of Welthungerhilfe, in the case of this tender, WHH Project HTI 1173, represented by its Head of Project.
Contractor or Contract Holder – the selected firm or individual with which the Contracting Authority has signed a contract for providing the tendered services defined in this tender documentation.

Tender Specifications

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is a German, non-profit, non-denominational and politically independent non-governmental organization (NGO) working in the fields of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The mission of Welthungerhilfe e. V is to fight hunger worldwide and focuses its work on Sustainable Development Goal 2: "Zero Hunger by 2030."

To achieve sustainable food and nutrition security among the most vulnerable, Welthungerhilfe's key programs focus on areas interrelated to hunger: agriculture and environment; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); economic development; humanitarian assistance; climate change; and civil society and advocacy.

The aim of the project “Comunidades Caribeñas Resilientes” is to improve the livelihoods and resilience of ecosystems in rural communities of the Biological Corridor in the Caribbean (CBC) to climate change. Strategic Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) plans are developed and, on this basis, specific measures for reforestation and soil improvement are identified and implemented. Farmers are supported in the application of adapted production techniques and the optimization of value chains in agricultural, agroforestry and silvopastoral systems. Key actors are trained on EbA in order to integrate the approach in regional and national strategies.

Description de taches

Services to be provided
The website development services to be provided consist of what is described in detail in the Terms of Reference (ToRs), which are attached as Annex 1 to these specifications.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Participation in the tender is open on equal terms to professional firms and individuals who are established and registered as such, anywhere in the World, with the origin exceptions established by German and / or European Union law.

Language and presentation of tenders
Tender proposals, correspondence, and all other tender-related documents, exchanged between the tenderer and the contracting authority must be preferably written in English. Spanish is also acceptable.

Content of the Tender Proposals
Each proposal submitted must comply with the requirements set out in these specification documents and include the following or the proposal shall not be accepted:

Part 1: Eligibility documents:
- Copy of the firm’s or the individual’s qualification as a certified website services developer or an equivalent document.
- Signing Authority: an official letter proving that the person signing the proposal and leading the services is authorized to do so on behalf of the company (in case of a firm).
- Annex 2 entitled "Supplier Declaration Form", signed by the tenderer and, in case of a firm, bearing the company's seal.

IMPORTANT: Failure to submit any of the above eligibility documents will result in the proposal being non-eligible and shall be disqualified and not further considered for evaluation.

Part 2: Technical Offer
The technical offer of the tender proposal is very important for the evaluation of the same, for applying the main evaluation criteria and for defining the merits and classification of the proposal.

The following aspects shall be specifically evaluated for each eligible proposal, for a maximum of 60 points:

1) Proven experience of the firm in providing similar services in the region (Central America and Caribbean) and/or in the countries where the project has activities (Haiti, Dominican Republic or Cuba) – 10 points.

2) Experience of the team members in performing similar services, including their CVs – 15 points.

3) Architecture and platform proposed for developing the website – 10 points.

4) Methodology proposed, especially considering that the website development services will have to cover partners in different countries. Please attach an outline of the project workflow for the collaboration – 15 points.

5) Calendar proposed for performing the services – 5 points.

6) Results and support documentation proposed – 5 points.

Each of the 6 above criteria will be marked and evaluated for each proposal received, in accordance with the evaluation criteria and methodology described under Articles 11 and 12 below.

Part 3: Financial Offer
The financial offer must be presented using the format described in Annex 4 for allowing for the comparison of the different offers.

If the proposal uses a different format for submitting its financial offer, the contracting authority may ask the tenderer to re-submit its financial offer with the same total cost of the services. Failing to do that the proposal shall be disqualified.

Tenderers are deemed to have satisfied themselves prior to submission of their tender that their tender is accurate and complete, that they have considered all elements necessary for the full and proper implementation of the website development services and that they have included all costs in their rates and prices.

Part 4. Other elements
The contract (Annex 3) for the website development services is based on firm, non-revisable prices.

The tender documents must be sufficiently clear for avoiding, as far as possible, additional information being requested from the tenderers during the procedure. If Welthungerhilfe provides additional information on the tender documents on its own initiative or in response to a request from a potential tenderer, it will make this information available to all other potential tenderers in writing and at the same time.

Tenderers may amend or withdraw their tenders by written notification before the deadline for submission of tender documents. No tender proposal may be modified after this deadline. Withdrawals are unconditional and terminate all participation in the tender procedure.

Tenders may not be withdrawn during the period between the deadline for the submission of tenders mentioned in Article 7 and the expiry of the tender's validity period.

No costs incurred by the tenderer in drawing up and submitting the tender will be reimbursed. These costs are to be borne by the tenderer.

The contracting authority retains ownership of all tenders received under this tender procedure. Accordingly, tenderers may not demand that their tender be returned to them.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Deadline for the Submission of Proposals
Tender proposals must be received by Sunday 16th of April 2023, latest at 16:00 hours (Dominican time), under reference number Tender Ref: WHH-BMU-SDO/IOT-001-23.

Submission of tender proposals may be done electronically via the platform “E-Tender” following this link: https://eu.eu-supply.com/login.asp?B=Welthungerhilfe.

Remarques contact

A detailed explanation of how to register and submit your proposal on the platform is provided with this tender. In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Gretchen Hernandez via e-mail: Gretchen.hernandez@welthungerhilfe.de.

Autres remarques

Opening of Tenders Tender proposals will be opened on the Wednesday 19th of April 2023 at WHH’s Coordination Office in Santo Domingo by the designated opening committee. Non-eligible proposals shall not be considered for further evaluation (please refer to Article 8 Part 1, above). Minutes will be taken by the committee. At the opening of the tenders, the names of the tenderers, the amount of the tenders, any discounts granted, written notices of modification and withdrawal, and any other information that the contracting authority considers appropriate may be announced. After the opening of tenders, no information relating to the opening, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, and recommendations concerning the award of the contract, shall be disclosed until the contract has been awarded. Evaluation of the Tenders An evaluation committee shall be appointed for evaluating the tender proposals and produce an evaluation report based on which the award decision of the contract shall be based. The members of the evaluation committee shall be appointed based on their appropriate knowledge. The members will perform the evaluation of the proposals in a fully independent and confidential way. Any attempt by a tenderer to influence the evaluation committee in the procedure for the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders or to obtain information on the course of the procedure or to influence the contracting authority in its decision on the award of the contract shall result in the immediate rejection of its tender. All tenders received after the closing date for submission of tenders as set out in the tender publication or these instructions will be retained by the awarding authority. No responsibility can be accepted for late delivery of tenders. Late tenders will be rejected and will not be evaluated.

No changes to the amount or substance of the tender will be sought, proposed or permitted, except where a change is necessary to confirm the correction of calculation errors discovered during the evaluation of the tenders. Such a request for an explanation must not distorts competition. Technical evaluation The technical evaluation will evaluate and mark the proposals according to the criteria described under item 8 Part 2 above. The maximum number of points for the technical proposal is 60 points. Financial Evaluation The financial evaluation will evaluate and mark the proposals according to prices stated by each tenderer in their financial offer and submitted in accordance with the format mentioned above in item 8 Part 3. The lowest price proposal shall receive 40 points. The other proposals will receive points in accordance with the following formula, for instance for Proposal A: Price of the lowest proposal / Price of proposal A x 40 points = Points for Proposal A Award Decision The decision to award a services contract shall be based on the evaluation report that will use, both, the technical and the financial evaluation criteria. The contract shall be award to the tender proposal that scores the highest combined number of points from the technical and the financial evaluations. The maximum combined number of points is 100 points. Contract The successful tenderer is informed in writing that his tender proposal has been selected (notification of the award of the contract). Two original signed copies of the contract of audit services will be sent together with this notification. Within 5 working days of receiving the signed copies of the contract from the contracting authority, the successful tenderer must sign and return them to the contracting authority. Upon its signature, the successful tenderer becomes the contract holder, and the contract enters into force. If the successful tenderer fails to sign and return the contract within 5 working days of receipt of the notification, the awarding authority may treat the acceptance of the tender as null and void, without prejudice to any rights of set-off or remedies available to the awarding authority as a result of such failure and without any right of challenge by the successful tenderer against the awarding authority. The payment terms and conditions of the audit services are defined in the contract (Annex 3). The contracting authority will sign a contract for website development services which is valid for a maximum of one year. Cancellation of the tender procedure In the event of the cancellation of the tender procedure, the tenderers will be notified of the cancellation by Welthungerhilfe. If the tender is cancelled before the tender opening session, any unopened and sealed envelopes will be returned to the tenderers. Cancellation may occur in the following cases: - When the tender is unsuccessful, i.e., when no qualitatively and/or financially worthwhile tender has been received or when there has been no response. - When the technical or economic elements of the project have been fundamentally modified. - Where exceptional circumstances or force majeure make it impossible to implement the project normally. - Where all technically compliant bids exceed the financial resources available. - Where there have been irregularities in the procedure, in particular preventing fair competition. - For any other justifiable reasons not foreseen. In no case will the contracting authority be liable to pay damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profit, in connection with the cancellation of a tender, even if the contracting authority has been informed of the possibility of damages. The publication of a tender notice does not commit the contracting authority to implementing the advertised services contract. Remedies If a tenderer considers himself aggrieved by an error or irregularity in the selection or award procedure, he shall refer the matter directly to the Welthungerhilfe. The contracting authority must reply within 15 working days of receipt of the complaint.