Survivor and Community Led Response (SCLR) Haiti Earthquake response Learning reviewpourChristian Aid|

1. Background context
The Men nan Men (Hand in Hand) Consortium, comprising of Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide and Habitat for Humanity, is rooted in its founding members’ technical expertise, networks of local partners and geographic reach. The consortium’s vision is, “A more resilient Haiti where communities feel physically, psychologically and financially safe and where the rights of every community member is respected.” The Men nan Men consortium’s approach is organized around elevating local agency and engagement that starts with local ownership of locally identified problems and then responds with locally defined and driven change.

The Haiti Earthquake Response was an opportunity for the Consortium to put our expertise into practice, and in particular around the Survivor and Community-led Response (SCLR) approach, which has been for the first time utilized in an emergency response in Haiti, as an innovative way to put the affected population in the decision-making seat. It allows the response to achieve humanitarian outcomes, instead of more traditional outputs, and ensures a smoother transition from relief to resilience as the community maximizes their contributions and impact.

The first phase of the relief intervention has secured funds from Start Network (Start Fund), Irish Aid (ERFS) and CA internal funds. The structure of the PALC volunteers (Participatory Action Learning in Crises) at community level were utilized effectively by SJM and Koral, two national partners present in the South, as a mechanism for community engagement and accountability for the identification and funding of 71 SCLR micro-grant projects, and for the 12 micro-grants for the community protection and psycho-socio support activities reaching a total of 3,061 Households with a budget of just above 200,000USD. These small grants were managed by the community-based organizations (CBOs) themselves, which enabled them to meet wider community needs, as well as initiate a process of healing and community well-being following the aftermath of the earthquake. This collaboration with local Haitian NGOs and CBOs recognizes the essential role of local and national actors in humanitarian response pursuant to the localization agenda. These micro-projects will be finalized in January 2022.

In the second phase of the response, starting end of the year, CA will continue the use of SCLR approach as part of its internal appeal for the value of £510,000 with a potential for additional funding from ACT with a value of $139,000.

The learning review will serve as a mid-point in the Haiti response and will inform future response where SCLR will be scaled up. It will inform not only how CA and partners can improve the delivery of SCLR work but also inform other ACT Alliance and Start Network members planning to use SCLR in their programmes. The Learning review will showcase the benefits of SCLR and self-help initiatives at Cluster level and possibly engage more actors in testing this approach.

2. SCLR approach
The SCLR approach aspires to bring together the cash, localization, nexus and participation agendas of the Grand Bargain. This approach helps crisis-affected communities lead and manage responses to emergencies in ways that improve their immediate well-being, strengthen longer-term resilience and accelerates social change. This approach focuses on the natural resilience and abilities of affected communities which aims to:
• Enhance immediate survival by increasing the responsiveness, speed and outreach of the overall combined response
• Strengthen the sense of dignity, self-worth, connectedness, social cohesion and broader well-being of survivors
• Initiate longer-term, people-led processes aimed at tackling the root causes of vulnerability to this kind of crisis

Evidence from practice of other SCLR experiences can be found here (French version).

To strengthen the response, CA has put in place its field-tested digital Complaints and Feedback mechanism called Compass, which will help capture the lived experience of survivors with this approach and enable correction of actions in real time.

3. Learning review scope
The learning review will focus on the Departments of Sud (Torbeck, St-Jean, Cavaillon, Camp-Perrin, Les Cayes, Saint-Louis) and Grand’Anse (Beaumont, Pestel)

The purpose of this learning review is to assess the impact of the use of SCLR approach during the first 3 months of the Haiti 2021 earthquake response. It will create evidence needed to advocate to national and international actors in Haiti to build on and work with initiatives that are community-led in both design and delivery. Additionally, it will inform the wider sector on the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments on localization, participation revolution, cash programming and nexus in a practical way.

Specifically, it aims to:
1) Evaluate the effectiveness of the SCLR approach and overall intervention to inform the second phase of the response
2) Build evidence of effectiveness for people-cantered approaches and accountability
3) Influence the sector in Haiti and global level on use of SCLR and accountability

4. Audience of the learning review
The learning from the SCLR Learning Review report will be shared with humanitarian actors and Government of Haiti stakeholders to improve humanitarian responses in Haiti. The learning and research papers will be used as a tool to cultivate program innovation and give a strong platform for advocacy among wider stakeholders including both practitioners and academia. It will also be used with the following:
a. Engagement and promote recommendations in UN cluster, CWC working groups, NGO platforms and local government in Haiti including through stakeholder workshop to provide evidence of the effectiveness of SCLR.
b. Engage Start Network and members in localisation learning spaces to promote recommendations.
c. Engage public in Haiti and Global to increase awareness of the benefits of community-led approaches.
d. Engage in Grand Bargain Workstreams: Localisation, Participatory Revolution, Cash, C4C, Academia (KCL), and CHS as an example to meet the commitments made by signatories and as best practice.

Description de taches

Deadline submission for application is on 16th December 2021, before 12:00 am (Haiti time). Application submitted shall follow the following requirements:
a) Submit a cover letter explaining how you are meeting the specifications and how you would approach this piece of work.
b) Supplier previous experiences:
• Please provide information on recent contracts (from the past 5 years) and references International Aid Agencies, United Nations Agencies and others. For that purpose, fill in the table below:
List of contracts and references International Aid Agencies, United Nations agencies and others:

Organization name, Contract Value (USD), Year, Services Supplied and Location, Reference (Name, Phone number and email)

• Please provide an example of communication material you have produced.
c) Submit a proposed budget. Note that transport to project location is covered by the consultant.
5. Methodology for the learning review
The study methodology will be finalized during a workshop in order to refine objectives, methodologies to be used for data collection – both quantitative and qualitative, a timeline as well as roles and responsibilities for the effective delivery of the review in the desired timeframe. It is envisaged to utilize, in particular, outcome harvesting.

The SCLR Learning review will be supervised by a team from Christian Aid (Global Humanitarian Manager and project officers based in Haiti; Accountability Advisor, MEL advisor, International Program Officer and Head of Humanitarian Policy and Practice in the Headquarters), Concern, Habitat International, SJM and Koral which will be meeting every 2 weeks. The consultant will be managed directly by the CA Global Humanitarian Manager). SJM and KORAL will provide support in terms of community engagement.

The learning review report will focus on exploring the following aspects:
- The role and effectiveness of PALC volunteers and overall community engagement
- The medium-term impact of the micro-grants’ projects, with particular emphasis on psychosocial recovery, community togetherness and needs met
- Inclusion with the SCLR process
- The effectiveness of the capacity strengthening and mentoring of groups by Koral and SJM
- The success of local coordination
- Effectiveness of COMPASS to support SCLR process
- Locally led advocacy
- Engagement with the local authorities and other actors’ part of the response

6. Planned Activities and time frame for the consultancy:
The SCLR learning review will be conducted between mid-December 2021 and mid-February 2022. Nevertheless, the current security and political situation in Haiti requires a certain degree of flexibility. We commit to provide regular updates to SN in case activities are delayed and discuss way forward.

Start of consultancy: at signature of contract

1 Review of project documentation (SCLR approach, project documents, Compass data and analysis) and methodology (tools, and analysis framework) Period signature- 4th of January
2 Workshop with learning review team and consultant to finalize the learning review methodology (quantitative analysis and outcome harvesting capturing the 6 key components of SCLR), tasks, timelines 4th of January 2022
3 Meet the Learning review team every 2 weeks to assess progress and identify challenges for implementation. Day to day coordination via WhatsApp group Every 2 weeks
4 10 Interviews with key informants First 2 weeks of January
5 1-day workshop utilizing outcome harvesting with Koral, SJM, CA, Concern and Habitat International Second week of January
6 5-6 focus group discussion and interviews with a sample of micro-grant recipients (selected from SF, ERFS) and their communities 2-3 week of January
7 3-4 half-day workshops utilizing outcome harvesting with community groups recipients of micro-grants (selected from Start Fund, ERFS 3-4 week of January
8 Submission of report, case studies and journal articles First week of February
8 One stakeholders’ workshop in Haiti Second week of February

7. Outputs for the consultancy
Outputs of the learning review:
a. 1 learning review report (in French or English) paper produced by February 2022
b. Recommendations to inform the second phase of CAs response by January 2021
c. 5 case studies (in French or English) produced by February 2022
d. 2 media focused articles for Haiti and global (in French or English) published in January 2021 and February 2022
e. 1 Haiti stakeholder workshop in January 2021 to present the findings of the learning review

Documents can be submitted in French or English and CA team will cover the costs for translation in Creole for external audience).

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

8. Consultant specification
1. We encourage a team of consultants to conduct this consultancy. Gender balance in teams is required.
2. Haitian and women consultants are particularly prioritised for this piece of work
3. Knowledge and previous work experience in the Grand South is required
4. Strong experience in conducting learning review and evaluations in the humanitarian context
5. Very strong experience in facilitating focus group discussion with community members
6. Well organised and independent, able to meet deadlines.
7. Strong knowledge and experience in utilising qualitative data collection tools, in particular Outcome Harvesting
8. Strong English spoken and written
9. Skill to write case studies and communication materials

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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d) Proposal must be submitted to:

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e) For any information regarding this consultancy please contact: