Insurance coverage for office equipment including ITpourChemonics / GHSC-PSM|

1. Introduction: The purpose of the Global Health Supply Chain - Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) single award IDIQ contract implemented by Chemonics is to ensure uninterrupted supplies of health commodities to prevent suffering, save lives, and create a brighter future for families around the world. In support of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and USAID’s population and reproductive health, maternal and health programs in Haiti, we are providing health commodity procurement services and systems strengthening technical assistance that encompass all elements of a comprehensive supply chain. As part of project activities, the GHSC-PSM project in Haiti is actively seeking qualified and experienced insurance company to provide insurance coverage for office equipment including IT. This insurance coverage service is expected to be for a minimum of one year. The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit quotations for this service.

Description de taches

• Insurance coverage for one (1) year and renewable.
• Protection against loss, damage or theft for these office equipment.
• value of such equipment is $ 1.7 Million.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

- Minimum of 5 years of experience and proven track of record providing insurance services as outlined in Scope of Work
- Experience in Insurance coverage for office equipment in Haiti
- Experience with USAID or other donor-funded projects in Haiti, especially those implemented by NGOs like Chemoncis, is highly preferred.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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