Power to Girls English to Creole Translation – Mentor ManualspourFondasyon Depase Fwontyè| JobPaw.com

Beyond Borders, known as Depase Fwontye yo in Haiti, sees in Haiti the seeds for a new world where people overcome great challenges by learning to question, dream, & act together, and where families & communities thrive on foundations of trust and mutual respect. With a mission to help people build social movements for liberation in Haiti, Beyond Borders works to equip Haitians to end child slavery, to ensure quality primary education for all, to prevent violence against women and girls, and to secure sustainable livelihoods and economic justice for the most vulnerable. For more information about our work, please go to our website.

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG): Beyond Borders partners with organizations and communities in Haiti to prevent violence against women and girls. In 2016, Beyond Borders completed Power to Girls in Haitian Creole, which is the first available methodology to combine girl-centered programming and a community mobilization approach to prevent violence against girls. Given interest internationally in the methodology, Beyond Borders is seeking an experienced English to French translator to complete translation of Power to Girls school curriculum and tools.

Description de taches

I. Scope of Work
The English to Haitian Creole translator will be responsible for translation of Power to Girls Mentor Manuals (abbreviated version, with only certain training sessions), including up to 72,205 words/252 pages. A style guide and translation “dictionary” will be provided. The translator will also make an effort to ensure consistency of tone with all other documents already translated in Power to Girls.

II. General Description of Contract & Responsibilities of Contractor
• Work with focal point at Beyond Borders in a calendar established together.
• Participate in orientation about translation needs and overall project.
• Work with style guide and translation “dictionary” provided.
• Translate, sending initial documents for approval to Beyond Borders to ensure satisfaction.
• Conduct and finalize all Mentor Manual translation, with opportunity for feedback from Beyond Borders.

III. Deliverables and Deadlines
• Orientation upon first day of work.
• Style guide / dictionary questions/ template within 3 days of work.
• First 10 pages of translation to be submitted within two weeks of start date.
• Finalized translation of first two books submitted, within one month of start date.
• Finalized translation of second two books submitted within two months of start date.

IV. Responsibilities of Beyond Borders/ Depase Fwontyè yo
• Provide documents at date of signature of contract.
• Provide any context, documents, or information required, including style guide, dictionary and any other language preference guidance.
• Offer comments within 2 working days of receipt of documents.
• Pay contract invoices within 30 working days of receipt.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

V. Contractor Profile
• Demonstrated experience English to Haitian Creole translation, preferably on community mobilization or popular education materials
• Attention to detail
• Familiarity with SASA! or Power to Girls preferred
• Experience translating violence against women and girls prevention documents a must
• Availability and ability to work on a schedule
• Good written communication skills in English and Haitian Creole
• Able to work remotely and on a short timeframe
• Timely and open communication

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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VII. Submission of Application
Submit CV, cover letter, and quotation (specifying calculation of fees – e.g. per word on formal letterhead as well as samples of previous projects completed to
no later than
6pm EST on May 16, 2021.
Please use the subject line: Translation: Power to Girls Mentor Manuals