Comprehensive Job Classification and Compensation ReviewpourSevis Finansye Fonkoze S.A.|

Sèvis Finansye Fonkoze, S.A. (SFF) is a Haitian microfinance institution that was established to provide capital and financial services to disadvantaged and low-income segments of society expanding the financial services work introduced by Fondasyon Kole Zepòl (the Foundation) in 1994. Today, SFF offers a full range of financial services including micro and small business loans, savings products, international and domestic money transfer services, currency exchange services, mobile money services, payroll services, among others. As of July 2018, SFF serves nearly 200,000 clients including 64,000 mainly female borrowers through a network of 44 offices and 2,330 credit centers located throughout Haiti’s ten departments and employs more than 800 employees.

Description de taches

The Sèvis Finansye Fonkoze (SFF) is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to conduct a Comprehensive Job Classification and Compensation Review and make recommendations to update our classification and compensation structure in accordance with the study. The study shall cover all the job classifications within SFF. The purpose of the project is to review SFF's existing compensation plan as well as to conduct a comprehensive benchmark market study to ensure that all positions within SFF are internally equitable and externally competitive and that jobs classifications are appropriately grouped. The end product of the study, as detailed in the Scope of Services, will include recommendations for the following: job classification and grade levels, a wage comparison with comparable sector entities, a compensation plan and suggestions for the development, an incentive compensation plan for Senior Management and Executives.
The consultant shall develop recommendations for a compensation system based on the following:
1. Review of Job Descriptions, Classification and Grade Level Structure
The consultant will be provided with all the job descriptions for the organization. We currently have 17 Grade Levels about 45 job descriptions total within the various classifications/grade levels. Consultant to review current classification grade methodology, conduct interviews and/or job audits and propose recommendations as appropriate.
2. Market Survey
The consultant shall perform a market salary survey of appropriate sector benchmark comparisons like SFF which are selected by the consultant in consultation with SFF. Compare all employee salaries to internal and external markets.
3. Compensation Schedule
Utilizing the market survey results and comparable job descriptions, the consultant shall prepare a recommended compensation plan and salary schedule to correspond to the existing classification plan.
4. Incentive Compensation Plan
In addition, the consultant shall make recommendations regarding of the adoption and structure of an incentive compensation plan for Senior Management and Executives. The incentive compensation program would be used to attract and retain qualified professionals. The program should reward performance in support of organizational goals.
An incentive plan proposal should include the following:
• Situation or background summary
• Objective or purpose of the plan/program
• Proposal, program or recommendation
• Analysis of the advantages and potential adverse consequences
• Cost justification
• Timing of payouts

5. Financial Impact
Consultant is to provide the possible financial impact that the recommendation could have on SFF.

6. Turnaround Time
Upon the award of this Proposal, all work relating to a compensation study and recommendations of appropriate ranges shall be completed within 90 days from the executed contract.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The consultant (s) will have:
I. To be considered, a consultant should demonstrate expertise in the field of total compensation analysis and valuation techniques. The consultant should be able to demonstrate that their job classification, total compensation system and recommendations have been successfully implemented and maintained in at least three institution of comparable size and scope. In addition, the consultant should have knowledge of and experience in developing executive level incentive compensation programs.
II. Ideally, the consultant will speak English and French. Haitian Creole is an asset. Outputs should be delivered in English.

8. Proposal Format
The following format should be followed in order to provide SFF with a working basis on which to compare one proposal with another. Each of the elements within this outline is expected to be addressed in any submitted proposal. However, additions may be made where necessary for purposes of clarification or amplification. Please limit proposals to no more than 10 pages.

I. Executive Summary
• General background of Consultant, including history of the company, number of employees, clients and projects evaluated, including a description of the projects and their size.
• SFF is seeking proposals from companies with established expertise in the following area: Assessment of job classifications and the ability to determine appropriate benchmarks. The ability to conduct a comprehensive, relevant market study and determine an appropriate compensation structure for SFF.
• Listing of three (3) clients for reference use for whom consultant has performed similar services as those contemplated by this RFP, please include the name and telephone number(s) of the contact person at each reference.

II. Technical Requirements
• Describe your overall approach, plans, and qualifications for accomplishing the specific services described above.
• Provide a statement describing the scope of work as you understand it. Describe the approach, means, methods, and procedures to be used to gather the data, analyze findings, and develop recommendations as requested.
• A timeline for the deliverables
• Provide the name(s) of the employee(s) in your company who would be assigned to this project, give a description of each person's experience and qualifications, indicate probable areas of responsibility.

III. Financial Proposal
• Please provide your proposed costs for the completion of this project in its entirety. Cost estimates will be considered as "not to exceed" quotations, except to the extent that the assumed scope is changed by mutual agreement in writing.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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• Each bidder shall carefully examine the RFP materials provided with respect to this RFP process. Bidders should familiarize themselves with all proposal requirements prior to submitting their proposal. Should the bidder note any discrepancies, require clarifications or wish to request interpretations of any kind, the bidder shall submit a written request to Marie-Claire Dorcely by email at SFF shall respond to such written requests in kind and may, if it so determines, disseminate such written responses to other prospective bidders.
• If Consultant is interested in submitting a proposal, the following requirements should be observed:
a) Proposals shall be submitted electronically to Marie-Claire Dorcely at with the subject line: Proposal for Job Classification and Compensation Review
b) Proposals must be received no later than May 7, 2021. Proposals received after the aforementioned date and time may not be considered at SFF's sole discretion.
c) Consultant(s) may be required to interview with SFF Management if deemed necessary.