Audio - Visual TechnicianpourChemonics International / Projet de reboisement USAID|

The degradation of Haiti’s environment and the vulnerable state of Haiti’s natural resources are widely acknowledged problems with deep intractable roots. Haiti’s forests are being degraded for several reasons including high demand for wood-based fuels, high population density, lack of resources in rural areas, and weak governance across the spectrum of institutions meant to define and enforce natural resources regulations. The breakdown of healthy ecosystems threatens Haiti’s ongoing efforts to develop its economy and improve food security, and increases vulnerability of the natural resource base and communities to shocks. The USAID Reforestation Project will address these development challenges through a targeted approach in line with Haiti and the US governments’ environment and food security strategies, and the USAID Climate Change and Development Strategy.

The USAID Reforestation Project is a program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Haiti and implemented by Chemonics International Inc. USAID Reforestation Project, based in Cap-Haitien, is designed to address environmental degradation and loss of tree cover in the North and North East departments of Haiti. The project will support interventions to:

• Reduce the threat of deforestation
• Improve environmental governance and coordination
• Increase tree cover in targeted areas
• Improve resilience to economic and natural shocks

The project will plant more than 5 million trees, convert 15,000 hectares of deforested land to agroforestry, and conserve more than 850 hectares of mangrove forest.

Description de taches

The Audio-Visual technician will assist the technical team and the communication specialists in creating high quality visual content that responds to USAID’s communications expectations by highlighting Project achievements for a broad audience.
The technician will take pictures to collect albums and design posters or any visual documents needed to highlight the project activities. He will shoot videos, write scenarios, to develop clips, documentaries, or any audiovisual products that will be needed to to create communications products that resonate with USAID, our beneficiaries, Haitians, diaspora, and a global audience.

The audiovisual technician will:

• Photograph all Project activities to develop a catalogue of photos according to USAID and Chemonics photography guidelines that showcase a wide array of Project successes, partners, and beneficiaries
• Maintain a SharePoint and/or Google Drive catalogue of all Project photos, past and present, that include captions covering what the photos describes, where it was taken, who is in the photo, and why it matters
• Package the best photos with captions to be featured on the Project Facebook page twice per week, in collaboration with technical team
• Train Project partners on photography, videography, and how to use visual communications to spread their message
• Coordinate filming via drone
• Perform other duties assigned by the Project

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

• 5+ years’ experience in photography, videography, communications, or related field
• Portfolio of photos and videos credited available for review
• Proficiency with photos and video editing softwares
• Experience working with donor funded projects, USAID preferred
• Experience in photos or videos of agriculture or forestry, preferred
• Strong organizational and effective written communications skills
• Drone photography experience, preferred
• Familiarity with Northern Haiti, preferred
• French and Haitian Creole fluency, English proficiency

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Les offres seront reçues à l’adresse suivante : #08, Rue Gerard Massuci, Babiole, Cap Haïtien, Haïti, ou l’email : au plus tard le 30 novembre 2020. Prière de préciser sur l’enveloppe ou à titre d’objet : Audio - Visual Technician

Autres remarques

This is a part-time position based in Cap-Haitien. The current anticipated level of effort is 3 days per week for 2 months, with possibility to extend if necessary.