Recruitment of a firm for Designing and implementing a "Local Governance Monitoring Application "for the Haitian <br /> Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities <br /> pourResearch Triangle Institute|

Description de taches


This mission is to design and develop, in collaboration with stakeholders, a "Computer Application for Monitoring and Monitoring Local Governance"

1. Objectives
The overall objective of the mission is to contribute to the strengthening of the piloting capabilities of the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities by collecting relevant data to facilitate and improve decision-making on the implementation of public policies.
This mission aims at the following specific objectives:
1. Collect relevant data on public policy and the functioning of local authorities.
2. Keeping track of the governance of local authorities.
3. Assess local government actions in the fight against the COVID 19 pandemic to help make decisions, inform the best practice learning process to better communicate about this pandemic, and strengthen the skills of key players at the local level
4. Develop a coherent and functional survey-based Informations System for, evaluation and reporting on activities implemented at the local authority level and more specifically in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.
5. To carry out survey indicators with a clear and readable presentation, reports and calculations of indicators based on granularity and the lines of analysis atwitch a successful business intelligence tool

The proposed contractor will have to take into account in his offer the minimum technical specifications described below. It will be the force of proposal (in terms of alternative solutions, etc.), will complement the undeveloped aspects and provide the information necessary for the decision-making. Please include the methodological approach and the means to carry out this activity and achieve the proposed deliverables.

The solution should be:

o well-designed, clean, and easy to use
o compatible with phones and tablets (Define Operative systems preferred like Android, iOS, Windows)
o Easy to manage-administer (Cloud based solution can be included as reference to a solution that will be hosted in the cloud with the capability to capture information from users)
o Attractive to users
o easily customizable by the customer


- Target heart:
o Territorial Communities: exchange, learn and capitalize on experiences developed at the local level,
o MICT: continue to train elected officials and territorial staff, identify, and capitalize on experiences developed at the local level
- secondary target:
o TFPs: exchange, communicate and learn about experiences developed at the local level
The function will therefore have to include:

? Custom survey design and completion
? Conducting open and firm surveys
? Intuitive operation
? The possibility of reusing questionnaires
? Questionnaire analysis system
? Viewing responses
? Creating statistics and graphs
? Manual data entry and convertible and printable version
? Exporting data in all formats to current applications
? Creating dynamic questions based on answers from previous questions
? Development of clear and actionable indicators, graphs and dashboards, de graphs
? Business Intelligence matching tool for reporting and calculating indicators based on granularity and desired lines of analysis
? Configurable authorization system (determined who can access, modify, or create surveys)
? Geolocation system for map representation
? Easier to administer and maintain


The Proposed Contractor in the proposed methodology will have to guarantee the following deliverables:

o Design and implementation of the system
o User training
o Training of directors
o User guide and administration
o Operating guide
o Accompanying the application's ownership,
o Training and support for the use of the Business Intelligence tool
o Technical assistance during the warranty period (to be specified)

The work will take place in Haiti and at the proposed contractor's place of residence and at the MICT premises.
The possibility for the proposed contractor to work remotely in the context of COVID 19 will have to be considered. Arrangements should be made to that effect.
As part of this mission, the proposed contractor will work closely with MICT executives, the provider's mission will take place over 21 days.


The proposed contractor will have to present at a minimum the following profile:
? Specific or vocational university training in computer science,
? Confirmed experience of at least 7 years in management application design and/management
? At least 4 experiments on similar missions with the following qualities:
o Creativity,
o seriously,
o initiative
o autonomy, ability to listen,
o good relational.
The skills of a particular specialist can cover several different expertise. All team members will have to speak and write fluently in French and ideally for some at least speak Haitian Creole.
The proposed contractor, depending on the proposed methodology, will be able to add the profiles he deems necessary.

VII. Offers

The Proposed Contractor proposed contractor will be required to submit an offer that includes:
? Methodology in accordance with minimum technical requirements, adapted to the objectives pursued, guaranteeing the achievement of the results and the production of the deliverables described. It must be force of proposal

? The detailed description of activities in accordance with the proposed methodology showing their phase/sequencing in a detailed schedule

? a financial offer detailing basic costs and optional activities/modules/features such as annual subscriptions expressed in unit cost.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme


The proposed contractor will have to present at a minimum the following profile:
? Specific or vocational university training in computer science,
? Confirmed experience of at least 7 years in management application design and/management
? At least 4 experiments on similar missions with the following qualities:
o Creativity,
o seriously,
o initiative
o autonomy, ability to listen,
o good relational.
The skills of a particular specialist can cover several different expertise. All team members will have to speak and write fluently in French and ideally for some at least speak Haitian Creole.
The proposed contractor, depending on the proposed methodology, will be able to add the profiles he deems necessary.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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The Quotations/Proposals to this RFQ should be submitted only by email to:
Indicating the Solicitation Number FY20 -0023