Consultant pour une analyse SituationnellepourCARE Haiti|

CARE has worked in Haiti since 1954, implementing programs spanning from emergency response and recovery to long-term development. CARE Haiti focuses on building local capacity and resilience and addressing gender discrimination and social injustice. Decades of experience in Haiti have allowed CARE to develop long-term relationships in local communities and a solid understanding of how local culture and values interplay with programming to ensure maximum impact. CARE’s current emergency response capabilities include: 1) life-saving emergency food assistance; 2) market-oriented, agriculture-based livelihoods recovery/development through enhanced access to formal and informal services; 3) nutrition for mothers and children; 4) community-led disaster risk reduction and management; 5) addressing gender-based violence.
CARE-Haiti is planning to prime for the upcoming USAID/BHA-funded Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) – targeting the Central Plateau, the Northeast, the North and the South. The development of the technical proposal will require solid evidence-based data from both primary and secondary sources. CARE is thus looking for an independent consultant – with sound experience in qualitative research – who can support the data collection process, analysis and reporting. The data collection will target the following sector: Agriculture and Livelihoods (on-farm/no-form), Maternal Health and Nutrition, Gender and Youth, Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience, WASH, Financial Inclusion (saving groups), Social Protection and Live-Saving Safety Nets.

Description de taches

The objective of the qualitative research is to collect reliable data to inform the pre-design and development of the new Haiti USAID/BHA-funded DFSA proposal.

Key expected deliverables are:
- The secondary literature review is conducted – using recent and relevant data sources – and information gaps are identified;
- Secondary data are analyzed, and results are organized into findings, tables and bullets points by sector in compliance with guidance provided by research guidance.
- The primary data (which will be collected by CARE) is thoroughly analyzed and organized into findings, tables and bullets points by sector in compliance with guidance provided by research guidance.;
- The analytical report compiling both secondary and primary information is produced in French and English.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The Independent Consultant should have sound experience in qualitative and quantitative research, clear knowledge of field assessments, and experience using different social research tools and techniques. In general, the consultant should satisfy the following criteria:

- At least three (03) relevant experiences in conducting qualitative evaluations, social-science research or related fields;
- More than ten (10) years of experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of relevant programs;
- Minimum of five (5) years of experience in facilitation; data analysis and reporting;
- Thorough understanding of the reality of the rural communities of Haiti;
- Fluency in English and French required

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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