Materials of Connection pourDAI/WASH|

DAI, through Water and Sanitation project is seeking vendors for the purchase of pipes as described to the RFQ.

Description de taches

DAI, through Water and Sanitation project is seeking vendors for the purchase of pipes as described to the RFQ.

Supply of equipment and equipment for sectorization of the network and connections
Unit Price Total Price
Coupling 3/4 PVC U 500
Coupling ½ PVC U 250
Cap 3/4 PVC U 150
Cap 1/2 PVC U 60
Cap 4"PVC U 10
Cap 2" PVC U 10
Adapteur femelle 3/4 PVC U 1500
Adapteur male 3/4 PVC U 1500
Colle PVC Gallon 7
Livraison aux Cayes U 1

12. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
All U.S. and foreign organizations which receive first-tier subcontracts/ purchase orders with a value of $25,000 and above are required to obtain a DUNS number prior to signing of the agreement. Organizations are exempt from this requirement if the gross income received from all sources in the previous tax year was under $300,000. DAI requires that Bidders sign the self-certification statement if the Bidder claims exemption for this reason. If this applies, DAI can provide instructions on how to comply.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

DAI, through Water and Sanitation project is seeking vendors for the purchase of pipes as described to the RFQ.

10. Determination of Responsibility
DAI will not enter into any type of agreement with a vendor prior to ensuring the vendor’s responsibility. When assessing a vendor’s responsibility, the following factors are taken into consideration:
1. Ability to deliver requested goods within the time requested.
2. Provide copy of business license, and evidence of a DUNS #(if necessary)
3. The source, origin and nationality of the services are not from a Prohibited Country (explained below).

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Autres remarques

9. General Instructions to Bidders
• Late offers will be rejected except for circumstances at DAI’s discretion.
• Bidders shall submit quotes in writing. Verbal quotes will not be accepted.
• Bidders shall sign and date their quotation, include the validity period
• Value Added Tax (VAT) shall be included on a separate line.
• These services are eligible for VAT exemption under the DAI prime contract.
• A vendor will be considered responsive if they can provide a timeline for delivery of materials.
• Please include delivery costs to Les Cayes as a separate line item.