Labor Market Study for Youth ProgrammingpourCatholic Relief Services|


To align youth workforce development training programs with labor market opportunities, it is critical to understand what labor market opportunities exist in Haiti at the department level. Currently in Haiti, there are not a lot of studies that provide updated information on the labor market options to help align training programs. However, the Word Bank conducted some studies on Labor Market in Haiti . The information provided by such studies can be helpful to start by understanding the situation in this area. Yet, CRS has identified a certain gap in analysis and seeks to hire a consultant that will carry out a labor market study to help inform our programming and similar efforts of the government and other interested actors.

The purpose of this consultancy is to carry out a labor market study in the North, North-East, West, Grand’Anse and South departments (Specific targeted communes and communal sections will be determined with the contractor according to their most active economic dynamics) to capture the key determinants of youth employment in Haiti as well as relevant information on the Haitian labor market.


CRS seeks to hire a consultant that will carry out a youth labor market study to help inform our programming and similar efforts of the government and other interested actors. Successful youth-employment oriented strategies seek to provide participants with access to training and programs that are aligned with real labor market opportunities in the environments in which they operate. Such a study will make it possible to understand and respond to the needs of businesses and other stakeholders who may provide employment opportunities for youth in Haiti. To do so, it is essential to conduct a youth labor market assessment. As has been demonstrated in the success of Youth programming, engaging local labor market stakeholders is crucial to the planning and start-up phases of Youth Programming and provides tremendous value to the program and are critical for success to ensure placement of youth after training, aligned with the needs of the local labor market.
CRS’ Youth Programming is a holistic, integrated youth leadership and employability program that provides life and job skills training, vocational training, school re-entry, job placement, entrepreneurship training and social services for at-risk youth, both boys and girls. The model includes leadership development and community service to foster constructive civic engagement. In Haiti, CRS´ Youth Program reached 120 at-risk youth between 2018 and 2019, achieving a 24% placement rate in vocational training centers and 79% startup creation after receiving seed capital while considering that some young people benefited from both the training and the startup.
Employment is key to lifting at-risk poor youth out of poverty. The labor force in Haiti was reported at 5,013,779 people in 2017 according to the World Bank collection of development indicators. “As of 2012, Haiti’s population was estimated at 10.8 million people,4 7 million of whom were of working age (Figure 1). Among those, 74 percent were active in the labor market, meaning that they were either employed or willing to start a job on short notice if offered one. Two-thirds of the 1.4 million people defined as unemployed were discouraged by the tough labor conditions and were not actually searching for work, while the remaining 0.5 million were actively looking. Unemployment as defined by the International Labor Organization, which considers only people looking for a job, stood at 12 percent, high for Latin America, but in line with other countries in the Caribbean ”.
The total labor force comprises people aged 15 and older who meet the International Labor Organization definition of the economically active population. The World Bank provides data for Haiti from 1991 to 2017. The average value for youth unemployment in Haiti during that period was 28.64 percent with a low of 16.64 percent in 1995 and a high of 35.95 percent in 2017 .
Labor markets are key drivers of poverty reduction. This is particularly true in a low-income fragile country such as Haiti. With close to close to 70 percent of the population under age 30 years, labor markets are bound to be central to defining Haiti’s future.


• Update market relevant information on the Haitian labor market with a focus on youth between the ages of 15 to 25.
o Identify which sectors and sub-sectors of the Haitian economy have experienced higher than average job growth over the last 10 years.
o Identify occupations in Haiti that have experienced higher than average job growth over the last 10 years.
o Match growth sub-sectors and occupations, identifying skills and requirements needed by businesses in the sub-sectors that have had higher than average growth and where possible identify specific territories in which this growth is taking place, focusing on the North, North-East, West, Grand’Anse and South departments
o Identify specific occupations and skills requirements in entry level positions in which businesses are hiring. Identify wage, benefits and working conditions tendencies in these occupations. Identify challenges faced by businesses for filling jobs.
o Identify key business organizations (chambers of commerce, associations, etc) that can contribute to a youth workforce development program, particularly in the North, North-East, West, Grand’Anse and South departments.

Description de taches


The consultant will work in conjunction with the project team and will design and outline of each document and tools according to the SoW requirements. The consultant is expected to address and undertake the following key activities:

o Identify existing data from IHSI, Chamber of Commerce, ONAV, World Bank reports, MAST and MEF on Haitian labor market to be used for analysis.
o Carry out statistical analysis on existing data sets to respond to the objectives (this study is not looking at generating new data bases for labor market analysis but rather use existing data sets)
o In depth interviews and/or focus groups with human resource staff of businesses in growth sectors of the labor market as identified by the study, focused on the North, North-East, West, Grand’Anse and South departments. For example, such sub sectors could include Apparel, Essential oils, Agriculture, Transportation, Construction and Manufacturing.


The process applied shall be consultative, and deliverables will be developed in conjunction with the project team. All of them need to be approved by CRS. It is proposed to use the quantitative and qualitative methods and the consultant will have to present the detailed methology prior to start the data collection. At least, the following steps briefly listed below need to be considered:

o Document Review.
o Directly interviews with key staff undertaking the project.
o Identifying the Research Question(s) with the project team.
o Obtain data sets from existing data bases.
o Carry out statistical analysis with existing administrative data.
o Developing of interview guides and other questionnaires to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
o Selecting the Population and sampling approach.
o Collect information about local labor market conditions to provide data for decision-making and recommendations for future initiatives in the area.

The methodology proposed by the consultant will be approved by the Program Manager and it will be presented in the final report.


Through analysis of secondary research, existing data bases, market observation, and interviews with local businesses, producer associations, government officials, and other stakeholders, the consultant will provide in in digital format using Microsoft office programs the following Deliverables, approved by CRS:
Deliverable 1.
o Work plan, schedule and list of studies on Haitian labor market to be used in analysis as well as existing data sets from the relevant institutions such as IHSI, MAST, MEF and Chamber of Commerce to be used for analysis.
o Selection criteria and proposed instruments for quantitative data collection.

Deliverable 2.
o Draft report with quantitative information analyzing growth in sectors and sub sectors, and occupations.

Deliverable 3
o Final report in English of labor market study including
- Executive summary
- Summary of key findings
- Introduction and context
- Methodology
- Growth Sectors and occupations: Sectors and sub sectors with higher than average job growth; Occupations with higher than average job growth
- The unemployment and employment Rates in Haiti
- Occupations: required skills, work conditions and employment processes with a focus on entry level positions
- Limits of the study
- Conclusion/Recommendations for alignment of youth workforce development training and labor market opportunities.
- Bibliography
- Annexes

o Excel file with tables and graphs from the data analysis.
o PowerPoint slide presentation in French with key findings.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme


Education of lead researcher:
The lead researcher should have a master’s degree in social science, such as statistics, population and development, sociology or another related field.

Experience and expertise required:
• 5-10 years of demonstrated experience working in developing countries especially Haiti and in conduction studies in labor market and/or similar relevant to the nature of the project.
• Demonstrated strong expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods
• Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
• Excellent communication and report writing skills.


Excellent English / French writing and speaking ability is required. The candidate should have a demonstrated capacity to communicate orally and in writing in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner.

Envoyer le pli à


Interested Contractor should send a technical and financial proposal in English, describing the relevant experience and capacity to undertake the study. The proposed budget and technical proposal must be sent to this email: indicating as Subject: CRS Youth Labor Market Study. Offers must be received by May 8, 2019 before 4:00 pm.

The offer must include:
• Technical and financial offer, including the total amount offered in USD.
• The budget should detail the human resources, material costs, travel expenses and fees.
• Include the resume of key personnel and their respective rolls.
• Overall methodological research design including:
• Data collection plan, including proposed data bases to be analyzed and plan to obtain access of existing data sets
• Data analysis approach.
• Qualitative approach supplement data analysis

Remarques contact


The consultant will work under the overall direction of the CRS Youth Program Manager, Reynold Hyppolite.

Autres remarques


The offer will be evaluated based on the quality and cost of the proposal, considering the following criteria:

Evaluation criteria Score
Education and number of years of demonstrated experience working in developing countries especially Haiti and in conduction studies in labor market and/or similar relevant to the nature of the project.
Demonstrated strong expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods 30
Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis using both quantitative and qualitative methods as well as Excellent communication and report writing skills
Proposed methodology and work plan 30
Budget proposal 20
Total 100


Payments will be made upon the following schedule unless otherwise negotiated with CRS:

Deliverables Payment
Preparatory Activities • Work plan, schedule and list of studies on Haitian labor market to be used in analysis as well as existing data sets from the relevant institutions such as IHSI, MAST, MEF and Chamber of Commerce to be used for analysis.
• Selection criteria and proposed instruments for quantitative data collection 20%
Data collection, processing and analysis • Draft report with quantitative information analyzing growth in sectors and sub sectors, and occupations. 40%
Reporting • Final report
• Excel file with tables and graphs from the data analysis.
• PowerPoint slide presentation in French with key findings. 40%


The period of performance will be for approximately four months from the date of signature of the contract.