Call for a certified MBTI practitioner to facilitate feedback sessions and a workshop on MBTI for the Better Work Haiti program staffpourBetter Work Haiti/ILO|

Brief on Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) for Better Work

Better Work Haiti is calling for a certified MBTI practitioner to facilitate feedback sessions and a workshop on MBTI for the Better Work Haiti program staff.

The program
Better Work is an innovative partnership program between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). It aims to improve labor standards and competitiveness in global supply chains in particular in the apparel sector. Better Work involves the development of both global tools and country level programs. The focus is on scalable and sustainable solutions which build cooperation between government, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and international buyers.

Description de taches

The MBTI provides a useful method for understanding people by looking at eight personality preferences that everyone uses at different times. In general it functions as a tool that helps people in organisations:
 Understand themselves and their behaviours
 Appreciate others in order to make constructive use of individual differences
 Approach problems in different and healthy ways and thus be more productive.
Specifically organisations use the MBTI to:
 Make the most of their human resources
 Utilise individuals’ natural strengths
 Improve teamwork
 Understand and adapt to differences in leadership\ management style
 Enhance effective communications between supervisors, peers, employees and customers
 Assist in career development
 Resolve conflict
 Coach individuals
 Develop skills in creativity, time management and stress management
 Recognise employees’ unique contributions
Target Audience\ Participants
This learning opportunity is available to all better work Haiti staff. Both first time participants and those that would like to further their understanding of the MBTI are eligible.

Timelines \dates
This activity should be completed by 30th June 2019
How it works
The MBTI instrument is a self-guided questionnaire designed to make the theory of psychological types described by Carl Jung understandable and useful in everyday life. The essence of the theory is that what can appear as random variation in behaviour is actually quite ordered and consistent, due to basic differences in the way people prefer to take in information and make decisions. The results of the questionnaire lead to the descriptions and characteristics of 16 types each with its own strengths. People of these types are likely to differ in their reactions, interests, values and motivations, and these differences can be at times a source of misunderstanding and communication difficulties or a source of strength when an organisation capitalises on them.
It should be stressed that MBTI type theory explains only some of the differences and complexities of personality and behaviour, and can be used to improve individual and organisational functioning. It should never be used to restrict an individual’s opportunities, judge someone’s abilities or stereotype people.
The questionnaire will be administered using the online OPP assessment system, which sends questionnaires and processes results electronically. This administration of the questionnaire will be managed by Better Work global certified MBTI certified practitioner. A face-to-face or telephone meeting or email to explain the purpose of taking the questionnaire and answering questions as required. It must be stressed that completing the MBTI instrument is entirely voluntary.
The questionnaire takes normally between 20-30 minutes to complete.
Feedback will be given to all respondents by the consultant. Where possible this should be undertaken on a one-on-one basis, with the exception of teambuilding workshops or in group development events, where the group validation is acceptable and providing that no person’s results are released without their permission.
A respondent may not always agree with the type that has been reported on the MBTI questionnaire. The reasons for this should be fully explored in the MBTI feedback session.
An individual feedback session takes approximately 90 minutes and a team session approximately three hours.
A group feedback session of 4 hours will also be required in order to discuss way the team can collaborate better base on the profiles.
MBTI will be handed directly to the respondent. They will not be released or discussed with their manager or any other person without the respondent’s permission.

Applying the MBTI instrument - teambuilding
After the feedback sessions (both individual and team), when most people are reasonably confident of their best fit type we can start applying the MBTI instrument on the team. Below are a range of different activities to consider. Only one activity will be included in the deliverables.

Preference pairs
To bring the types to life for a group and start the work of applying MBTI constructively, exercises focusing on the preference pairs are useful. The following exercises are useful to illustrate and build awareness of differences.
Extroversion – Introversion, an exercise on ideal working environment
Sensing – Intuition, an exercise on writing a story
Thinking – Feeling, an exercise about appreciation and recognition
Judging – Perceiving, an exercise on attitudes to work and play

Working with difference
After the preference pair exercises we can start working constructively with differences addressing topic such as ‘conflict and complementarity’, ‘rights and responsibilities’, ‘contributions and downsides’.

Type lenses
The type lens exercises looks at how type affects particular areas of team functioning and includes subject such as change, communication, problem solving and decision-making.
For all the MBTI application exercises normally half a day is needed.

Key deliverables
• 10 individual feedback session (Max 90 minutes per session)
• 1 group feedback session of 4 hours for BWH team
• 1 MBTI Application session of 4 hours for BWH team

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Interested individuals are asked to express interest by submitting the following:
• CV;
• A competency statement outlining the individual’s skills and experience related to the task;
• Three references;
• Fee per hour/ work day (8 h).

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Please submit your application on April 15th, 2019 the latest by email to haiti@betterwork,org

The team will report to Claudine Francois, Better Work Haiti Program Manager (

All data and information received and collected for the purpose of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these Terms of Reference are assigned to IFC and ILO. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the expressed advance written authorization of the IFC and ILO