Best pilotable innovations for sustainable provision of clean drinking water and safely managed sanitationpourDAI/WASH|

March 22, is World Water Day. To commemorate this day, the USAID Water and Sanitation Project is launching a challenge to seek out innovative solutions from locally established organizations that are community-driven, pilotable and replicable, and that will get first-time or improved access to drinking water for community residents, and/or that will serve to increase safely managed sanitation for/in communities within the Project's Zones of Influence -- Cap-
Haitian, Mirebalais, Croix-des-Bouquets (Canaan), Les Cayes and Jeremie -- Haiti .
The Project is seeking innovative solutions and/or science and technology based approaches
that: 1) enable people to gain access to new or improved drinking water services
(water point safety measures, affordable and easy-to-use household treatment and sustainable water point management, easy-pay applications; 2) eleminate open defecation; or
3) promote safely managed sanitation (latrine/toilet solutions;septic solutions; fecal sludge management solutions).
In order to expand access to safe drinking water, the Project will work with targeted
municipalities and commune-level governance to develop system extension strategies and water safety plans. These strategies must include approaches that help to prioritize extensions of piped water networks so it reaches the poorest and most vulnerable populations.
The approaches MUST ensure SUSTAINABILITY.
The USAID Water and Sanitation Project seeks ideas for increasing access to safe water and sanitation in order to promote healthy, safe, and productive lives.
The Project will fund up to five (5) of the best pilotable innovations.
The maximum level of funding is $20,000 (USD) for each winner. Funding for winning
concepts will come from the Project’s Enterprise Acceleration Fund (EAF), which is designed to stimulate innovation is the WSS market and promote the strengthening of local actors integral to sustainable provision of clean drinking water and safely managed sanitation.

Description de taches

What We Are Looking For:
Ideal solutions for improving communities, service providers, or water and sanitation networks, and systems. They may include but are not limited to innovative WASH services, models, tools, or financing mechanisms intended to improve overall access to clean drinking water and safe and environmentally sound sanitation management, which apply a deeper understanding of community needs.
Possible factors for success include solutions that answer the following questions:

Is the approach INNOVATIVE?
• Does the approach improve people's access to, safety/reliability of, and/or affordability of drinking water service?
• Does the approach enable viable revenue for the water service provider?
• Is the approach environmentally sustainable?
• Does the approach provide improved access/opportunities for the poor and most vulnerable members of communities?
• Does the approach provide innovative ways to motivate water users to appropriately pay for water and sanitation services?
• Does the sanitation approach provide solutions for how fecal matter collection, transportation and/or treatment costs are paid?
• Does the approach provide a way to motivate municipalities, businesses and households to use safely managed sanitation facilities or upgrade their current facilities?
• Does the solution encourage participation of women or other marginalized segments of the
• Does the approach provide renters a way to invest in sanitation or water solutions?
• Does the approach present clear advocacy, social mobilization and clear communications for behavior change to eliminate open defecation and enforcement of latrine and septic tank emptying by municipalities and other local authorities?
• Does the approach stimulate the development of the sanitation market and encourage investment from private sector over the whole sanitation value chain?
Eligible organizations could include universities, private sector small and medium-size enterprises, financial institutions, water and sanitation service community-based organizations (CBOs), cooperatives/associations, civil society partners, non-government organizations (international, national, and local), WSS providers including host country registered and private sector organizations, foundations, faith-based organizations (FBOs) and consortiums of the above. DAI encourages an approach that establishes partnerships with several organizations and builds them into legacy institutions capable of sustaining development projects in the future.
Geographic considerations:
The Project will prioritize selection of ideas that address water and sanitation challenges
in the communes of Cap-Haitian, Mirebalais, Croix-des-Bouquets, Les Cayes and Jeremie. This includes prioritizing interventions in urban and peri-urban neighborhoods.
We will not consider funding for:
• Approaches not within the Project’s scope of work (SOW).
• Approaches out of the geographical area.
• Approaches in conflict with the national strategies for water or sanitation.
• Approaches that are conflicting with local cultural and social drivers.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Interested organizations/individuals must submit a concept note of no more than five
pages directly to the Project. Concept notes must meet the identified stated criteria and be submitted by June 21, 2019.
The concept note should be specific, complete, concise and no longer than 5 pages.
The concept note should demonstrate the applicant’s capabilities and expertise with respect to achieving this program’s goals. The instructions for developing the concept
paper should take into account the details listed in the next section.
Concept notes will be reviewed in terms of responsiveness to the challenge,
appropriateness of the subject matter, and creativity. Applicants are encouraged to
demonstrate how their proposed work will contribute to increase access to water and
sanitation services in Cap Haitian, Croix-des-Bouquets (Canaan), Mirebalais, Les Cayes and Jeremie. These five communes have been identified by the Government of Haiti as priority cholera “hotspot – Type A” or communes recovering from Hurricane Matthew.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Concept Notes Instructions
The concept paper must be submitted in font Times New Roman, size 11 and must
include page numbers. Each page must be marked with the title “World Water Day Challenge 2019.”
Prepare the application for the concept paper according to the format below:
1) Cover Page (no more than one (1) page). The cover page must include:
a. Address of organization
b. Type of organization (e.g., artisan, entrepreneur, firm, for-profit, non-profit,
university, etc.)
c. Nationality of organization (Haitian, American, etc.)
d. Contact point (lead person’s name, telephone, fax, email)
e. Signature of the applicant’s authorized representative
2) Technical approach (no more than three (3) pages). This section should address
the program summary and selected objectives in Section I of this document and should include:
a. Concise title and objectives of proposed activity
b. Description of objectives, the approach method, the amount of effort to be
employed, the anticipated results, and how the work will foster change and incentivize sustainable improvement in Water and Sanitation Services (WSS)
c. Type of support the applicant requests from USAID (e.g., funds, facilities,
equipment, materials, personnel resources, etc.)

3) Supporting information (no more than one (1) page)
Estimated cost; Brief cost breakdown (e.g., salaries, travel, etc.); Proposed
optional amount of the applicant’s financial as well as cost-share contribution if
applicable; Proposed amount of prospective or existing partners’ financial as well
as cost-share contribution if applicable; Proposed duration of the activity; and Brief
description of applicant’s, as well as prospective or existing partners’ previous work
or experience.
4) Submission Instructions
All materials must be in English or French.
Concept Note: The concept note must be submitted by email to: EAF@watsan- (with subject: Word Water Day Challenge 2019) no later than June 21,
Hardcopies are also accepted, but email versions are preferred. If hardcopies are
submitted – please submit one original and two copies via post, courier, overnight mail service, or hand delivered 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday to one of
the following addresses:
USAID Water and Sanitation Project
Attn: EAF Manager
Subject: World Water Day Challenge 2019
#7, Bis Route ODN, Vertieres, Cap Haitien, Haiti
USAID Water and Sanitation Project
Attn: EAF Manager
Subject: World Water Day Challenge 2019
#48, Rue Metellus, Suite 204, Plaza GN, Pétion-Ville, Haïti.