Pre-crisis Market Analysis (PCMA) CoordinatorpourCatholic Relief Services|

Purpose: The purpose of this scope of work is to outline duties, deliverables, and a timeframe for a Pre-Crisis Market Analysis (PCMA) Coordinator that will oversee the implementation of the study and draft related deliverables, the technical scope, geographic targeting, and methodology of which was designed through a participatory process led in July 2018. Specifically, the needs to for the completion of this activity are:

• Review and suggest modifications (if applicable) to data collection tools that have been designed by project staff • Train surveyors and field supervisors on the data collection tools
• Coordinate and provide technical oversight throughout data collection
• Coordinate and ensure quality control during data cleaning and preliminary analyses
• Lead analysis workshop to develop market system maps
• Draft PCMA report, PCMA report summary, and a presentation of key findings

With funding from USAID Food for Peace and OFDA, CRS is implementing a 24-month project (September 2017- September 2019), in collaboration with World Vision (WVII), Mission of Hope (MOH), the Directorate of Civil Protection of Haiti (DPC), to reinforce the emergency response capacity of key actors in Haiti. The aim of the project is to ensure immediate life-saving needs of disaster-affected populations in Haiti are met in a quality and timely manner by improving the capacity of 40 C/FBOs to rapidly and effectively respond to emergencies in cooperation with government authorities and other key emergency response stakeholders. Haitian community-based (CBOs) and faith-based organizations (FBOs) are often among the first responders to disasters. They have long-standing, permanent presence and credibility in specifics locations, often in isolated, remote communities that humanitarian actors have difficulty accessing. Targeted capacity building of CBOs and FBOs (collectively C/FBOs) will allow them to increase their effectiveness in responding to emergencies. The Pre-crisis Market Analysis (PCMAs) is one of the activities CRS will lead in collaboration with the C/FBOs participating in the project to build capacity around collecting and using market information and market-based response design. PCMA results will be made available to all C/FBOs, GoH, UN, NGOs, and other response stakeholders. Objectives: The PCMA helps conduct market assessment before emergencies happen in contexts that are prone to recurring crises, whether natural or man-made, or where a shock is anticipated. This early analysis helps practitioners and decision makers to anticipate how certain selected ‘critical’ markets will behave when a shock occurs. This can help to inform not only potential emergency responses but also to improve preparedness, contingency planning, mitigation, disaster risk reduction, and early recovery. The PCMA conducted through the REPONS project has the following objectives: • Supporting contingency planning exercises • Improving agency preparedness to respond to a forecasted crisis by understanding the impact it will have on the critical market systems. • Informing programs seeking to build resilience or mitigate the impact of a predictable crisis. • Providing a baseline picture of how four critical markets function when they are not under stress (during a non-crisis time or reference period). • Building staff capacity in market analysis and changing approaches and attitudes towards market-based programming.

Description de taches

Activities: The PCMA Coordinator will basically perform the activities specified previously. As a minimum, the PCMA Coordinator do the following: • Conduct a review of data collection tools and the technical design of the PCMA, suggesting modifications and revisions if necessary to finalize; • Assess whether additional data collectors will be needed (to complement staff from participating F/CBOs) and, if yes, prepare a scope of work;
• Train data collectors and field supervisors on the data collection tools;
• Coordinate and provide technical oversight throughout data collection, including developing debriefing protocols to facilitate initial analysis in the field;
• Coordinate and ensure quality control during data cleaning and preliminary analyses;
• Lead analysis workshop to develop market system maps
• Draft PCMA report, PCMA report summary, and a presentation of key findings

There will be four principal deliverables expected from the PCMA Coordinator:
1. Finalization of data collection tools
2. Finalization of selected methodology 3. Training of data collectors and field supervisors on data collection tools 4. Market System Maps 5. Draft PCMA report 6. Draft PCMA summary report 7. PCMA Key Findings PowerPoint Presentation

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Profile of PCMA Coordinator:
The PCMA Coordinator should have the following (combined) experiences and competencies:
• Proven experience conducting market assessments or research and drafting technical reports;
• Demonstrated technical assessment skills and command of methodologies frequently used in PCMAs;
• Knowledge of international standards and norms for humanitarian action in general and market-based programming in particular
• Ability to communicate – orally and in writing - complex subject matter in a way that is accessible to a variety of audiences
• Ability to write clear, concise reports on the findings and make relevant, feasible recommendations for improvement whenever relevant;
• Strong coordination and communication skills;
• Capacity and creativity in leading and facilitating participatory methodologies to engage community members and receive and respond to feedback.
• Experience of working with a diverse range of stakeholders
• Proficiency (written and oral) in French and English required. Creole language skills an asset.

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Les candidatures doivent être soumises à l'adresse suivante: 1, Delmas 81 ou par email à:

Remarques contact

Christelle Clerveaux

Autres remarques

Place of Performance:
All the activities of the PCMA Coordinator will take place in the offices of CRS in Port-au-Prince and les Cayes. The PCMA will be conducted in 4 departments of Haiti:

N.B : (Jérémie/marche Anse d’Hainault ; Jacmel/marche de Bainet ; Gonaïves, marches de St Marc et Gonaïves ; Fort-liberté/marche de Ouanaminthe).

Period of Performance:
February-April 2019

The application must have the following documents: 1. A technical proposal for carrying out the consultation containing: • Understanding of the provider's mandate; • The detailed methodology for carrying out the consultation; • A work plan; • The timing of the consultation; • Cv of the consultant or the team 2. A detailed financial proposal for the performance of the service 3. legal documents (patent, tax registration) ….