Recherche d'un Expert en Recherches Quantitatives (Quantitative Researcher)pourAyiti Nexus|

The Water and Sanitation Project (the Project) is a four- and half-year intervention funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) designed to support access to sustainable water supply and sanitation (WSS) services, and strengthen the enabling environment for sustainable delivery, operation, and maintenance of WSS services. The Project was awarded to DAI in December 2017.

Ayiti Nexus will conduct a baseline study to determine initial and background information necessary to understanding the results and contributions achieved by the Project against its objectives and targets. The Project requires a representative population-based household survey focused on the collection of data for the Project outcome indicators in accordance with USAID and Project indicator definitions.

Project Objective and Targets

The primary goal of the Project is to reduce the prevalence of cholera and other waterborne
diseases in Haiti where many communities suffer from high incidences of cholera and diarrheal
disease. The Project will lay the foundation for a long-term, sustained effort to increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation in Haiti, building on important successes achieved in US Government and other donor programs in the sector. Specifically, the Project will focus on increasing access to water and sanitation services in government identified priority cholera “hotspot” communes and on communes recovering from cyclical disasters such as Hurricane Matthew.

The overarching targets of the Project are to ensure that:
- 250,000 people gain access to a new or improved water service; and
- 75,000 people gain access to a basic or safely managed sanitation service.

Geographical Focus

USAID selected the following priority geographies which are either cholera “hotspots” or still recovering from Hurricane Matthew: Cap-Haitien, Mirebalais, Croix-des-Bouquets (Canaan), Les Cayes and Jeremie. USAID further specified that the Project begin its interventions in the urban and peri-urban areas within each commune. The estimated 2015 populations of each commune (IHSI) are:
- Cap-Haitien/261,864
- Croix-des-Bouquets (Canaan)/238,222
- Mirebalais/93,288
- Les Cayes/144,765
- Jeremie/128,178

For the purpose of this Survey, the geographical area to be sampled will be the GoH delineation of the urban boundaries within each commune. The contractor will determine the number of households in the urban area of these communes for the development of the sampling methodology.

Purpose of the Baseline Household Survey Study

1- Determine the baseline values of key impact and outcome level indicators including in the Results Framework —disaggregated as appropriate—in target areas;
2- Set baseline values for household-level demographics and information that can be followed
up in terms of outcomes and impacts at program intervals (2.5 and 5 years).

While the baseline study will be designed, led, and reported on by the Contractor, Project staff will provide input and be involved during all stages.

Description de taches

As part of the Household survey team, you will be expected to provide technical and supervisory
support needed to successfully conduct the WATSAN household survey effectively, and
efficiently. You are expected to be team worker and able to work with a diverse team to
successfully deliver on the household survey. Your expertise and experience in conducting
quantitative studies is what we need to you utilise for the success of household survey


The Team Leader will be responsible for:
- Planning the survey, coordinating the survey implementation, assigning responsibilities and tasks, and authoring the final Baseline Survey report.
- Lead the implementation of the baseline HH survey;
- In collaboration with the Senior Survey Specialist and project staff, develop and finalize
the Field Manual for Supervisors, ensuring that it is a user-friendly document that addresses the roles and responsibilities of the field staff, outline the chronology of field work, including training, piloting the questionnaire, pre-testing the survey, data collection, etc. Collaborate with the GIS specialist and technical programmer to include instructions on mapping, use of GPS equipment, enumerator quality assurance monitoring, questionnaire editing procedures, re-interviewing procedures, and procedures for sampling dwellings within clusters, households within dwellings, and
individuals within households.
- In collaboration with the Senior Survey Specialist and project staff, develop the Surveyor Field Manual, which will include recommended best practices for conducting interviews and dealing with specific challenging situations, e.g. households that refuse to
participate, and provide a household and individual respondent non-response follow-up
strategy. It should also contain a detailed explanation of how to properly administer each
question in the questionnaire.
- Develop and finalize the Data Quality Assurance Plan in collaboration with the Senior Survey Specialist, Technical Programmer, and project staff.
- Review and Finalize the Data Treatment and Analysis Plan.
- Support the baseline survey team in all aspects of field work and data collection.
- Troubleshoot throughout the data collection.
- Supervise all aspects of the data collection, including the supervisors, technical programmers, and surveyors.
- Liaise and report to client on a weekly basis.
- Contribute to making sure that data collection instruments are pre-tested and fine tuned for use by enumerators.
- Review and edit data to ensure completeness and accuracy of information; follow up with subjects to resolve problems or clarify data collected.
- Support the team in the processing, archival and analysis of data.
- Help to identify, mobilise and retain data rich informants for the household survey.
- Supervise enumerators working on the baseline survey research project.
- Draft the data collection report.
- Draft the final data collection report.
- Contribute in the preparation of other articles, reports and presentations related to the household survey.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

- Master’s degree in development, social science or management;
- 10 years’ experience in relevant social sciences fields; five to eight years experience working as a quantitative researcher;
- Direct experience in the implementation of at least two comparable household level surveys;
- Familiarity with water and sanitation is preferred, including demonstrated familiarity with the specified indicators.
- Fluency in English and French.
- Experience writing evaluation reports and familiar with USAID technical writing style;
- Work experience with USAID will also be an asset.
- Ability to undertake statistical and graphical analysis of data.

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